Been working out hard and feel BLOATED


Active Member
I have been following the M&F Look Great in 8 Rotation using mostly Cathe's videos, running and going to the gym for some of the cardio. I am in the fourth week (Supersets), and today I feel extremely bloated. Went running on Sunday and Monday (4 miles each time) and yesterday did Push/Pull premix (2 sets). My legs were sore from the running and I really pushed myself yesterday with the weights. I don't weigh myself anymore (history of anorexia), but can tell my pants feel more snug. My diet has been decent, if anything, maybe I need to eat a bit more, but I have been feeling a bit nauseous lately (b/c of taking lexapro for some mild depression). I don't really want to lose weight, I am 5'8" around 115-118 lbs, I just want to get lean. But is so frustrating feeling bloated when I have been working out so hard. Throughout these weeks, I have been pretty sore after the weight work, which I thought was good since most of the time, I don't experience much soreness. I am debating whether to continue on as planned, or maybe back off the weights a bit...I don't know. All I know is I HATE feeling this bloated (it's not that time of the month either).

Thanks for any input.

Amy :)
I've always heard the working out hard can cause you to retain water, as can an increase in carb consumption. As someone who has extreme water retention problems, that seems to me to be true. I do tend to get bloated and gain several pounds practically overnight when I workout harder. My weight can easily fluctuate 4-5 pounds in just a couple of days, and up to 8 or 9, if it's also TTOM. Usually the gain only lasts until my body adjusts to the increase in activity--a week or sometimes two.

Hi Amy,

Are you drinking enough water? That's a common cause of fluid retention. As far as I know, Lexapro does not cause water retention or weight gain, but medications do affect people in different ways. Have you been taking it for long?

I hope you feel better soon.

I suspect 5 possible culprits:

1. If you are new to taking Lexapro, i.e. not past 4-6 week mark, then give yourself some time. It takes some time for your body to get used to antidepressant medication as I know from experience. It can take a full 6 weeks for your metabolism and digestive system to adjust to the new medicine. These are extremely powerful drugs. Never underestimate the effects they are having upon your body. They are rewiring your brain chemistry, and since your brain controls the production of hormones which in turn govern every internal mechanism of your body, you can't underestimate the need for your body to have time to adjust. They are affecting your body and making it more tired than usual. Antidepressants also give you "dry mouth", they dehydrate the body and you need to take in extra fluids at least for 6 weeks as your body adjusts to the medication.

2. You are working out a lot and hard. You are pushing yourelf through discomfort and aches and pains. I suggest you schedule 2-3 days of this week to let your body rest and fully recover before you start pushing again. You will not lose strength or cardio endurance in this time. In fact, you will come back stronger and more motivaated. Your body's strength increases after the workout, when you are at rest whioch is when it repairs itself. If you never rest or rest insuffuciently for your body's requirements, you don't see the muscle recovery and strength gains.

3. Possible dehydration, as suspected by Gina, and also due to lexapro, see number 1 above.

4. You may not be eating enough, due to nausea brought on by Lexapro. In fact, if Lexapro is still causing you nausea, then this lends support to my argument in number 1.

5. Weight trining can lead to water retention in the muscles as they repair themselves. When you start a new program of training, i.e. new to weights, or switching from endurance based program to a heavier weights, strength based program, your muscles will retain weater intitially. After a few weeks, this will right itself. It is a normal part of the muscle tissue building processs and nothing to worrry about. Extra rest, as in number 2 above, will help.

Take care! Mostly because of the Lexapro. When starting a course of treatment with an antidepressant medication I always take down the intensity of my workouts for several weeks and rest much more. I can build it back up afterwards without any of the problems you are describing here. In fact, I have just done it. Living proof!! So, go easy on your body.....

Clare :)
Thanks for the replies. I took off yesterday, and still felt sore and exhausted. I think I do need to give my body a rest. I never really thought much about the possibility of the lexapro; I have been taking it for a while (7-8 months), but recently my doctor upped the dosage. I have been really thirsty as well, though I do drink a lot of water. Probably a side effect of the medication.

Again, thanks for the insight. I'll take off the next few days, and see how I'll feel.


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