<--- been a long lonely, lonely, lonely ... lonely time

<---is doing the happy dance..DH TOLD me to order the Insanity! WHOOHOOO!
<---just finished with the ordering and thinks this place is FULL of ENABLERS! :)
<---waves wildly while waiting for the clock to inch towards quiting time
<---doesn't have to work this weekend
<---is hoping to go to this:


<---doesn't like the rainy forecast, but the event is rain or shine
<---thinks maybe the rain will keep the crowds away, thereby allowing more wine for <--!
<---likes Melissa's signature line!
<---is also happy to see Wendy and Nancy joining us, along with the regular crowd shuffling in
<---got a chance to meet Nancy, but not talk much
<---had lots of talking time with Wendy:D
<--- looks at Melissa and says "Who me?" enabler what? :D
<--- tells Melissa congrats on the go ahead with Insanity
<--- wonders if your DH will join you with Insanity workouts too
<--- tells Beav's to let the geekiness fly free
<--- thinks Robin's event is partially held under a tent so rain won't stop anyone looking to partake in 'fermented fruits'.
<--- forgot to ask why the OAL treads always start with lyrics from a song
<--- wonders if there is a story behind that
<----waving Hi to all the peeps
<----definitely remembers meeting Robin and enjoyed the experience :)
<----thinks it's so fun now to be able to put fully-dimensional faces to names, along with personalities
<----just finished GS CSB and hoping any of the 8 cats will come along so <----can rest arms on its fluffy back to support them:rolleyes:
<----currently thinks anyone ordering Insanity is, well, you know, but would one day like to be able to do it
<----thinks had better run and shower since not even the cats will come near :p

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