beachbody workouts? comparison to cathe workouts?

hi everyone,
i wanted to mix up my routine. a friend of mine got great results using burn it up from the slim in six series by beachbody. i have a couple questions:
1. how is the intensity compared to cathe workouts? and which workout would it be the most similar to?
2. has anyone gotten good results or been disappointed with this series?
3. is the second set of dvds better? i believe those are the ones called tear it up, shape it up, tone it up etc...these were debbie's follow up vids to her first series.

thank you for your help.
The only Beach Body workouts I have is P90X. It is challenging and delivers great results...especially if you use a chin-up bar.

1. P90X is just as intense as Cathe's workouts...say Gym Styles.
2. I had great results with P90X yet was disappointed because it lacked "fun factor" and I hated the music...and Tony's CONSTANT yapping! You can mute I did and just used the music with cues but the music is HORRIBLE.
3. Don't know anything about those videos.

Hope this helps a little!
I don't personally have them, but a friend of mine does. She said the fun factor is great, although the moves aren't as intense as Cathe's cardio can get. I think I'm going to order them, they have been on my mind for quite some time now. So I may go ahead and order them.
i don't like slim series (i don't have slim in 6) as much as i like cathe... also... the count is lopsided... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and you can't just count and add.. cuz she does like 3 or 4 exercises on one side... then changes... it's not like 15 leg lifts.. switch.. then switch back to 15 inner thighs.... etc..

i did the whole p90x rotation... it is a good workout... and hubby wants to start it again... on sunday.... i don't want to... i likes it once.. but it got old doing the same workouts every week for 13 weeks! and tony is ANNOYING!

but it's a good workout! and on par with cathe's gym styles....

i LOVE the p90x set! much better than cathe's rock statue set! it's very cool!.. the gym.... i think i might enjoy it more if i only did a very short rotation... but i can't wrap my brain around 13 more weeks of tony! not when i enjoy cathe so much!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
and Tony's
>CONSTANT yapping! You can mute I did and just used
>the music with cues but the music is HORRIBLE.

you think he's bad in p90x!? he's unBEARABLE in the new core cardio (power 90 masters).... i swear i don't want to do it again cuz of his egotistical mouth! (and the workout isn't that great!)

i didn't mind the new plyo as much... (no where near as high impact nor intense as p90x's plyo!)

it appalls me that instead of encouraging people... he gets all macho and egotistical and says how he is going to fall asleep while doing the workout and makes snoring sounds! *gasp* talk about motivating people that may need it!

i mean... cathe is using 3 pounds in her new beginner workouts and talking about how "hard" they are! i roll my eyes and giggle at that.. but the newbies/beginners sure must feel good!!!!!!! THAT's how you make a GOOD workout!

uhm... sorry.. didn't mean to vent so badly!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I really think everyone likes different things. It all depends on how open you are to different instructors and how much you want variety. I keep a very open mind with every workout I purchase and try to find the positives and use them for different aspects of my training.

Personally, I like Tony (so does my husband) and I own everything Beachbody has put out. However, that being said.....I agree that I can only handle them in small doses. Also, the music is so bad that when I do Slim Series, I play my own music. The workouts are easy enough to do that and it helps the fun factor. As far as Power 90 X, I was truly sick of doing it in the third month, but I think I would enjoy a 3-4 week rotation. Actually I'm gearing up to do a Slim Series and various other workout rotation, and then a short P 90 X rotation, unless Power 90 Masters comes out first!

Maybe you can purchase one and see how you like Tony's personality and then decide.

The Slim Series is definitely more of an intense program than Slim in 6. I would say they are advanced, but not as hard as Cathe. I would say Power 90 X is tough, but again I think the Kenpo aerobics lacks Cathe's intensity.
HI Desertbriez!!! I was wondering where you have been! I assumed you were pedaling across the country!

My favorite:

((Tony shoves bicep into camera and gloats)) "You want guns like these, you have to work hard". Rolling my eyes so hard I hurt my brain!!
I have SS, Turbo jam deluxe package, P90X and PHH.

SS: The Slim Series guidebook outlines a number of workout routines which are designed to help your achieve specific goals. I have done the Slim Training schedule and got great results in my lower body. There are six SS discs and you do a different workout every day for six days and then rest on the seventh. The program is great for toning and muscle definition and since most of the workouts . Debbie use lot of reps and a light weight. I think there is not enough cardio in the SS. I usually add more cardio (TAEBO, TJ cardio party or the 20 minutes workout).I think the 78 minutes workouts ( Tear it Up and Shape it Up) are very intense. The music is mediocre (though you can turn it off and use your own music.

PHH: There are five PHH workouts, abs, arms, buns,thighs and stretch, which are all a half hour in length. You can do one program a day or mix and match to suit yourself. Just as with SS, there are several schedules outlined in the guidebook to target specific goals. The workouts are designed to get the most out of that half hour. My favorites are abs, arms and buns shaper.

Turbo Jam: TJ is awesome especially the cardio workouts ( both cardio parties and the 20 minutes workout)TJ is not as intense as Cathe's or a TAEBO advanced live or get ripped advanced workout but I totally love this work out.It doesn't feel like exercise at all to me, but I know I'm really working out by the sweating that I'm doing after it's over.TJ is wonderful. The music is great. the Workouts are awesome, and time flies by when you are working out. I will order all the new TJ workouts Chalene is making.

P90X. The weight workouts are the best.The plyo X or jum training workout is brutal. With the exception of Plyo X I think the P90X cardio is less intense than Cathe's.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator, TAEBO and Turbo Jam junkie. :) :)
I didn't to slim in 6, but I did try slim series and loathed it. Not just the music, which is bad, but most video workout music is bad (IMO) so I'm immune to that, pretty much. What was really disappointing was the LOSS of any kind of shape in my arms/upper body. I even went as heavy as I could for the reps. Bleh. Plus the workouts seemed interminable. If you respond well to/like very high rep workouts, it might be worth a go, but it wasn't for me.

P90X, OTOH, is the best video series I've ever done, bar none, in terms of visible and quantifiable results. Tony is a cornball, but I don't take him all that seriously and he doesn't get on my nerves. Much. :p For me, this, along with gym work, are better compliments to Cathe.
I own both the Turbo Jam series and P90X series.

Turbo Jam: I would consider Turbo Jam intermediate to advanced (depending upon what you put into it) and really high on the fun meter. Her workouts don't feel as difficult as Cathe and some people don't like Chalene's "Yea baby," but I find her adorable. (My heart rate monitor gives great readings during these workouts so that's what I go by when I say intermediate to advanced.)

P90X: P90X is a tough series and Tony Horton does take a while to get used to because he is somewhat goofy, but the series does give you the music and cueing only option on the DVDs. I'm in the minority and don't use the option because I happen to like him even if he acks dorky at keeps me occupied while I try doing some of the tougher exercises. As previously stated, the series is definitely not easy and I have found the upper body work more difficult then most of Cathe's upper body work DVDs. The leg work is minimal (its weakness), but does hit different muscles in a unique way. The Plyo-X DVD is also a great one to own and very challenging, but not as much fun as IMAX 2 ;-) . AB Ripper X is the most difficult 16 minutes of ab work I've ever done. Kenpo X has more hand movements then KPC and less kicking which is why the intensity might be slightly less. It is different and nice for change, but definitely not as much fun as KPC. Cardio X is really not very challenging or fun at all so I usually substitute it with 10-10-10. All in all, the series alone is well worth the money. Mixing and matching it with Cathe's DVDs makes it an even better awesome rotation.

I have several Beach Body workouts (or have had):

I LOVE P90X: the best fitness investment I made last year. I got excellent upper body and core results (though I'd pair it with some Cathe lower body next time around, because it wasn't enough for me). I was able to make progress with every workout (in reps and/or weights, and starting with a few wimpy toe push-ups, ended up doing most of them--except for a few variations that were tough on my shoulders or wrists--on my toes).

The P90X "Classic" rotation is very well done, and taught me about the value of recovery weeks and got me to finally get into yoga. It contains some very effective plyo moves that rely on balance and agility as well, and aren't just continuous "jumping around as high as you can" type plyos. The upper body workouts are set up either as circuits or push-pull, with breaks throughout the workout, which allowed me to lift a lot heavier than I can lift with a "let's work X muscle until finished, then move on to Y muscle" (I wish Cathe would take a page from Tony's book in this respect). I also like the dynamic stretches Tony uses in the beginning and during the workouts.

I don'thave a problem with the music, and I've grown to like Tony (kind of like the obnoxious brother I never had!). His knowledge and intelligence show through his goofiness.

I think P90X is a fabulous combo with Cathe. Next time I do a rotation, I will add in some Cathe cardio and lower body, and keep P90X upper body, core and plyo (and the lower body workout every two weeks or so).

Power Half Hour is an effective series of 5, 30-minute workouts. I especially like the upper body workout (they call it "arms," but it's total upper body). You get a LOT done in a short amount of time. It's kind of like P90X light in a way. There is the push-pull/circuit set-up, the recovery within the workout. I feel well worked out after I do these. Tony is goofier than in P90X, and that used to annoy me, until I "spent" 3 months with him in P90X and got to "know" and like him. The core workout combines standing and floor work, which is a nice change.

Slim in 6 is more a beginner/intermediate workout. I have it, but rarely use it. I also have Slim Series, which is more advanced. Sometimes, it's just the thing when I don't feel like working out, or when I'm getting back into working out. It is repetitive, there is pretty much no choreo, and the music is bad. BUT I like to not have to think when I workout (I do enough of that at work!), and because of the simple moves, and the "no music" option, I can put on my own CD's (I like the "Powerstrike" CD) and work out, following the beat of the music instead of what they are doing on screen. If you're a choreo hound, this series would probably be very boring, but I can zone out and deal with the "no choreo" aspect quite well, as long as it's effective, and it is!

I especially like "Firm it Up" (a lower body workout that makes my glutes burn, and gives me DOMS in all the right places) and "Cool it Off" (a nice 45-minute stretch workout that includes some knee stabilization and lower back work). The other workouts kind of all blend together for me because they are so similar. Debbie can be annoying because of her obvious lack of knowledge of what move works what muscle : when doing outer thigh lifts, she says to not turn the toe up, or the inner thigh will be doing the work....completely forgetting about the quads? She does have a tendency to overestimate the work that the adductors do! And her kicking form is bad. Not as bad, however, as the deadlift form on one background exerciser, who is going to need some chiropractic will almost anyone who follows Debbie's "double time" deadlift. Definitely NOT an instructor for people who aren't aware of good form from some other source.

I HAD Yoga Booty Ballet, but it was way too "new agey" and odd for me (and one of the instructors looked botoxed or like she'd had some obvious work done, which bugged me).

I just picked up the new "P90 Masters" workouts. I haven't done them yet, but they look good to me. Time efficient. Not as intense as P90X. Perhaps good to use in a PHH rotation?

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