Be sure to add you AIM to your user preferences!

Jillian & I just had a nice chat about the new features of the forum. Don't forget to add your AIM information so that we can chat when we're on-line!

Do add your aim info go to...

User Menu at the top of the forums page.
Click on Edit your profile

You will see where to add your aim info there. See you on-line!
It was fun chatting with you too Deborah. Actually, I have an IM account with AOL, MSN, and Yahoo in addition to ICQ. Of course, the two I use most often are MSN and AOL at least I know I'm not the only one that added their AIM to their profile. Hopefully, others will add their AIM to their profiles too.
OK, I added it, but I don't think it's working. I use CompuServe, which is owned by AOL, but it doesn't appear to be the same thing????? I know nothing of computers...all I know is that when I click on y'all's little AIM icon, nothing happens. WWWWHHHHYYY????
I tried to IM you but you aren't logged on. I leave my IM logged on even if I'm away from the computer so you can IM to test yours out if you like.

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