BC x2 worked me!

I finally did BootCamp twice in a row today. Man, this...you HAVE to do! I may try to do this once a week for a few weeks! This was so awesome! I feel totally worked out! I LOVE this feeling!

I have to say, the first round seemed a lot tougher than the second round. The first time through seemed harder because I knew I had to do the whole thing over again. The second round seemed to literally fly by...felt like 15 minutes!

You have to do this! What an AWESOME way to start the weekend!!!}(
Go Sarah! I could have written this myself :) I felt the same way when I did BC X 2 on Tues....the second time I think I was running on endorphins or something. Man I had DOMS. I'm definitely gonna hit this one again. Way to go!!!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Way to go Sarah!!! I'm so intrigued, yet at the same time so afraid to try this. I think I might try it the next weekend my parents have my daugther so I don't have to worry about her waking up from her nap half way through the second round.

Did you lower your weights or use the same amount you always use? I'll be attempting this next week. I may switch the schedule around and do this on a day I'm not planning on going to school to set up my new classroom.
Wow, Sarah! Congratulations! What an accomplishment! This is definitely something I want to work up to....eventually! It sounds fun!

Kali - I loved your family pictures! My b/f LOVES ice fishing. Your boys are adorable!

Hey Kali, After BC twice, you will definately be ready to sleep!!!

Hey Marietta! I must e-mail you...it has been such a long time! Any upcoming 1/2's this fall?
Way to go! I may have to switch this around too next week. Someone else asked this, but did you go lighter on your weight the second time around?

What a way to start the weekend is right!

When I did it I stayed heavy throughout. I did 15s for bis, 12s for military press, 30 for one armed rows....

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Hi Dallas,

Actually. I used more weight on every exercise (except a few) than I usually do. The reason, I have not done BC since before I completed the P90X series and Gym Styles. I did have a few slight modifications: I was only able to stay on my toes for the 2nd round of push-ups for 3/4 of the set, then finished on my knees. The other, I used 10 pounds for lying tricep extensions 1st round but went to 8 pounders 2nd round...didn't want to smash my face! Here is the break down:

Squats: 50lbs. both rounds
Rows:40 lbs. both rounds
Static lunge:40 lbs. both rounds
Push-ups:toes 1st round, toes 3/4 second round then knees
Plie Squats:40 lbs. both rounds
Tricep dips:did 'em both rounds
Leg Press:40 lbs. both rounds
Barbell curls:30 lbs. both rounds
One Armed Row:25 lbs. both rounds
Shoulder Press:10 lbs. both rounds
Front & Back lunges:30 lbs. both rounds
Lying Tricep Extensions:10 lbs.1st round 8 lbs. 2nd round
Side Lunges:30 lbs. both rounds
Hammer Curls:12 lbs.1st round 10 lbs. 2nd round

I like this workout because the reps are low enough that I can try to go heavy (don't laugh...this is heavy for me):p
Debbie, That is awesome!!! I tried 15's for hammer curls but my form sucked so I grabbed 12's, then 10's the second round. My bi's are my absolute weakest! Frustrating!!! You kicked butt!!! I do hate those shoulder presses...and I am hating them with 10's!:+ :p
Thanks Sarah! You didn't do too shabby yourself ;) I have to get some heavier weights soon so I can up my leg weights.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I am going to buy a house next to Charlotte and sneak in to use her Smith Machine and squat rack!!! I'd love to know how much I can squat but cannot lift more than 50 over my head!

Can you imagine...Charlotte and I as neighors???? She'd be in my face screaming at me to drop the peanut butter and I'd be in her face screaming at her to forget about her PMS'ing and get lifting!!!:+ :+ :+
Sarah ~ Thanks for listing your weights. Whew girl and twice!! I would say you are good and worked out for the entire weekend! :7 Hey, I have a Smith machine and squat rack. You could be my neighbor anytime. You could then give me even more ideas on sticking with a clean diet!!! I've learned so much from you and this forum!

Wow, Sarah, that is a great accomplishment. I am planning on doing the rotation next month, but I may have to try that workout soon!

Yes, Charlotte is awesome in motivation!! YOU BETTTER WORK!!:+ }( :D As Cathe says, "No time for down time!"

I would love to have you as a neighbor! Think of how much fun it would be...alot of screaming going on, but I won't hear ya anyways with the music blasting, but would be nice to see your lips moving with an angry expression on your face!!!LOL! I can't imagine you eating too much of bad stuff though. I bet you never sit still and run that treadmill to the ground so you probably can afford to cheat. What do you burn off in a day? 1000 calories or more??? LOL! Seriously though, your very cut and I bet you burned close to that doing Boot Camp twice.


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