Bargin Tapes???????


My DH bought me a step for X-mas. Included in that step was "ALL STEP". I had never heard of Cathe, but now I'm hooked. This is still the only tape I have. I just logged on to this website today & I'm like a kid in a candy store!!!!! I am so excited in all the tapes & DVDs she has out. One thing..... is it me or are they a bit pricey?!?!?!?!? I know, I know, how can you put a price on your health, but really, is there anyone out there that knows where one might pick up a (dare I say it) discounted video by Cathe?

Bargin Stepper......
Hi bargin stepper. I am also a bargin those bargins. Cathe's tapes may be a bit pricier than some...but only maybe by a few bucks. I get some of my tapes from They have just about all of her tapes for about 2-3 dollars less. I have also just started shopping on eBay for some of her tapes. Search for just Cathe Friedrich and you will get quite a few tapes you can bid on. some are going for $10 which is a bit much for me. I have a bid on a few myself. If you don't mind waiting a few weeks to get one. There seem to be a lot of people bidding on her tapes. I am trying to go no higher than $7 for a tape. I figure with shipping charges, i am still paying less that if i ordered through an exercise video cataloge or Cathe's site. Good luck. let me know if you find anything good.

I initially thought they were a bit pricey, but now I think they're almost priceless! They've made such a change in my fitness level, both strength and cardio.

Actually, if you order off her website and order 4 VHS videos, you get the fifth video for free, and $15 dollars off the total, and the shipping is free--so for $65 you get 5 videos. However, if you have a DVD player I recommend getting the DVDs although they are a bit more expensive. Since I got a DVD player I will only buy DVDs, since they are so convenient in terms of mixing and matching parts of workouts.

I also waited quite a while before getting the cross-train express video because it was so expensive, but once I got it I never regretted it and wished I had gotten it earlier because you get so many great workouts that you can mix and match--strength and cardio.

Leigh Ann
Another great place to get Cathe tapes for a decent price is the Firm Ya=yas swapmeet. You can trade for one or else buy one and the prices usually already include the shipping costs so at maybe $10 -$15 that really is a deal. Here's the link although you'll have to sign up so that you have your own screen name but that takes about 5 minutes tops.

Thank you much for your information. I was a little nervous after scanning the forums of what kind of responses I was going to get, there are definate diehard Cathe fans out there, but both respones were very helpful. I am definately considering the Cross Xpress, it looks like it's packed with a lot of great workouts. Thanks again. Kisha :D
Do you know how the buy/sell procedure works? I'm interested in selling some videos, but am not sure how to. Basically, if someone wants to buy my videos, do they send me payment first, then I send them the videos, or do I send the videos and they send me payment when they get them? Know what I mean? I don't mean to sound stupid, but it's hard dealing with people you don't know. Have to hope they're honest, but you never know...
Hi mkunkel,

The buy/sell procedure is very simple when someone contacts you to buy your videos you state your price/shipping; the buyer is suppose to send payment out to you FIRST before you send out the tapes to them, I know how you feel about dealing with people you don't know, I too remember my first time doing this, felt sort of apprehensive, but quickly realized that people who frequent these fitness boards are honest, nice people who want to work out and get a bargain if they can and will send you prompt payment without any hesitation, I can honestly say that I have never had a bad experience and I sell/buy a lot.

Laura :)
Hi, i just wanted to reply about the buying and selling of tapes. I have started selling my firm collection (so I can get Cathe on DVD) and most people have been very nice. One thing though you should ask for is to pay you by money order. They can get them at the post office where you can cash it in while sending their tapes; or they can get them at the grocery store, bank, etc and then your own bank can cash them. Then you do not have to worry about a bad check and getting stuck paying the bank fees or losing money and your tapes.
Just some friendly advice take it or leave it.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the advice, Laura and Jen. You've helped to put my mind at ease, and a money order sounds like the safest bet. I will work on selling some of my tapes I don't use anymore so I can get some more of Cathe's. I've only been using her for a couple months and I'm hooked.
hi Pia,
i'm interested in buying a video from you if it's one of the beginner ones. Do you have the wedding video or the mega step blast. I have her all step - it came with my tape and it's waaay to much for me.

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