<--- Barfoopie!!!


<--- waves good morning to Catheland
<--- has been up most of the night
<--- feels soooo tired
<--- can't take today off because the other person in the office is on vacation this week
<--- is still elated about Gilbert!
<--- loves how these threads help us touch base with each other
<--- can't decide whether she's hungry
<--- might fall asleep at her desk today
<--- hopes everyone is doing well:)
<---waves hello to Shelley and all who follow.
<---wonders why Shelley was up most of the night.
<---tells Shelley to nap at lunch time.
<---waves good day to all
<---wonders why Shelley was up all night-is she or Sophie ill?
<---is also excited about Gilbert
<---hopes Becky is still smokefree?
<---is glad Yankees and Braves are both out of the running,but isn't sure who <---likes for the world series
<---wishes good luck to any and all having job interviews or new jobs-Kali? Wendy?
<---would like to share a pumpkin spice coffee with all, but doesn't know where the nearest Starbucks is - hours away...
<---meant to go home last night and start firing off letters to local and state legislators regarding son's situation, but was too tired
<---will try to get letters written today
<---did Supersets last night and hardly coughed at all
<---thinks asthma medicine is finally kicking in
<---will shut up now so others can chime in
<---hopes Robin gets those letter written!
<---thanks Robin for good wishes on job interview-that's Friday.
<---tells Jes that if she'll pay my bills for me I'll stop worrying. :+ :p
<---enjoying the first cup of java for the day.:9
<--- savoring this cup of coffee and hopes everyone will have GOOD coffee today
<--- tasted a Starbuck's pumpkin latte and thought it was sickly sweet

<--- thinking about the mouse one of my kitties brought into the house in the wee hours of the morning to show us

<--- must stay home for media delivery/set up

<--- is slightly disappointed becuase everything but the TV will be set up

<--- is delighted though that I will have speakers in my kitchen finally

<--- is thinking about DH and the talk he will give today at a symposium

Judy "Likes2bfit"
<--- waves good morning to all.
<--- did some serious whup-azz spinning last night.
<--- is not moving much from chair.
<--- should probably refrain from mentioning a certain yummy coffee drink today.
<--- would like to go get one but cannot seem to get legs to cooperate.
<--- also wonders why Shelley was up most of the night?
<--- wishes Robin luck with local and state legislators.
<--- waves bye for now.
<---g'mornin' my lovelies :)
<---notes legs are on fire from yesterday...DUH. :p
<---will rest today
<---says still rainy, chilly & crappy here in NY. BLECH.
<---hates being cooped up all day. May go to mall later.
<---will be dreaming about pumpkin lattes
<---is thinking about what to have for breakfast
<---hopes everyone has a great day

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---thinks Gilbert is too cute!!!
<---loves doggies, too!
<---is trying to convince DH to let us get a dog, too
<---got a good night's sleep last night!
<---the only chore for today - VACCUUM!! My favorite!
<---is so happy the house is clean!
<---is even happier there is only one load of laundry! :7
<---is loving the changing leaves.
<---still hasn't baked that zuccini bread
<---wonders if zuccini is still good.....???<---will check to see if it is moldy now........


<---ETA hello my Ghandi soul mates!!!:D
<----waves hello to Missy, Debbie, Rogue and anyone I may have missed.
<----is going to do Leaner Legs in a few minutes and questions wether or not <----will be able to walk afterwards! }(
<----can't wait for the sun to come out again!
<----hopes Missy's zuccini is not moldy.
<--- waves back to Wendy.
<--- says hurry up already and do LL so that <--- is not the only one with who is walking challenged today!
<--- is wondering if Debbie still hates <--- for the coffee drink that shall remain nameless. :eek:
<--- come on good buddy - not everyone can say they are "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and Ghandi all rolled into one! ;-)
<---tells Rogue you are da bomb ;) MWAH!
<---still thinks the pumpkin latte is rockin'
<---tells Missy have never seen Mr. Smith (or Ghandi for that matter)
<---tells Wendy to enjoy LL - hope you can walk better than me! Hehe
<---hopes Shelley is waking up & super stoked about Gilbert :)
<---thinks Gilbert is the cutest dang puppy
<---wonders what to do w/ Boybie is this horrible weather
<---maybe a trip to the mall is in order ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---wave's good morning to all
<---sharing lack of sleep with Shelley
<---DH went hunting and left at 2 AM
<---don't sleep well alone...:(
<---thinks Gilbert is an awesome looking dog
<---hoping the coffee works wonders today
<---should have used more expresso
<---is excited about doing a circuit workout today!
<---not sure why circuits are so fun...:)
<---wonders about World Series too
<---happy Angels won last night...:)
<---wants Robin to know huge Football fan here
<---never gets much done Sunday
<---loves DirecTTv NFL ticket!!!.
<---lets Wendy to know she is not alone in the bill worrying area
<---wonders why Judy needs speakers in her kitchen?
<---hopes Judy's DH does well in his talk!
<---thinks Rogue could have a touch of the butt glue virus
<---was sure Debbie might be sore from the tough long workout yesterday!
<---loves vaccuuming like Missy...especially chasing spiders..:)
<--moldy zuchinni and pumkin spices thoughts could be making this girl sick...
<---going to find toothpicks for eyes and waves goodbye for now

<---waives hello to everybody
<---thought would join this thread, because it looks like fun
<---is tired
<---does not want to be at work
<---is glad it's Hump Day
<---can't think of anything right now
<---waives goodbye for now and enjoyed this thread
<---will be back

Kristine :)
<----laughing at Carole's butt glue virus and chasing spiders with a vaccuum.
<----figures Carole must hate squashing spiders so that's probably why she chases them with a vaccuum.
<----asks if any of the spiders have ever climbed back out of the vaccuum once she turned it off??
<----HATES spiders!!!
<----decided to do LL later.
<---tells Debbie that Ghandi is some old bald guy
<---would rather be compared to someone like Uma Thurman!
<---wonders why Shelley didn't sleep well last night, too!
<---wonders if it is because she is excited about GILBERT!!!
<---will suck up a few spiders for Carole!!! That is the most fun!!!!:7 :7

<---tells Wendy not a problem squishing spiders either...
<---makes the walls messy though
<---no way they can climb back out
<---has cannister vaccuum so empties it outside
<---laughs with Wendy and Missy...
<--- is at work now
<--- lets everyone who asked know that she was up all night with "intestinal issues"
<--- thinks that might be TMI
<--- is drinking a Turtle hot chocolate
<--- has her pictures from the Emily and Shelley dinner last week
<--- must d/l pics and then upload to PicTrail
<--- can't believe she's finally getting a doggie this weekend:)
<--Hoping somebody has sun<-- I wished mine your way earlier and it's GONE!!
<--My DH also went hunting this morning<--Didn't have a problem falling back asleep
<--Missing a natural health expo today because of a closing :(
<--Making the hour long trip to go to Whole Foods tomorrow!! :)
<--Will be driving by numerous Starbuck's on the way :(
<--Vacummed yesterday and chased spiders<--Felt like an evil woman for sucking them up!
<--Feeling evil feels GOOD!
<--Off to work out
<--Wishing everyone in Catheland a healthy and blessed day!
<---waving hello and good morning to everybody
<---hopes Shelley feels better and gets more sleep tonight
<---sending virtual sunshine to Debbie
<---is also sore in legs like Rogue, except that this is from yesterday's extended LM
<---is trying to eat breakfast
<---doesn't understand why she has no appetite some days, and others, she'll binge 'til kingdom come
<---wonders if that's hormonal?
<---doesn't know what workout to do today
<---is still sore in the upper body from chest/tricep/shoulder work Sunday night, and sore in legs from yesterday


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