Barbells and Body Fat Tester


Active Member
Where can I get a good set of barbells? I have dumbells but I need a barbell. I would like a body bar but I think a barbell would be better since my hubbie would use it too. Collage video offers a barbell set but it is only 40 pounds. I don't think this would be enough for my husband. So, are there any suggestions on how I can get on-line barbells? I've looked at the suggestions from the cathe page but I would like a larger selection. Any suggestions on where to get a body fat tester too?

I would suggest going to a sporting goods store so you & your hubby can try it out. Do you have Exercare's near you? That is where I got mine and they were very informative and helped me pick out extra plates and the proper size weight gloves. They also had bodyfat testers there. If you don't have this store, I'm sure you could go to any sporting goods such as Dicks Sporting Goods. Hope this helps. BTW, I don't think that 40 pounds would be heavy enough for a male not to mention some of Cathe's Amazon females!!


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