barbell vs dumbells


Active Member
i use dumbells for all my weight training...i use 2 20's on me leg when that tires me out i go down to 2 15's....anyone else use barbells??/? Is it worth it to invest in a barbell? If so why what is the difference?
Good question!

IMHO a barbell is a good investment for any home weight lifter. Although there are many exercises you can do for the legs that involve dumbbells, one of the problems I find is that, as your legs strengthen up, you need to go heavier and heavier on the weight load to keep the training stimulus up. And - that means more and more hand, forearm and shoulder strain holding those heavier bells. A barbell over the shoulders (on the back of the neck or the front of the neck) is much easier and more comfortable to accommodate, because you've got larger muscles handling the weight load and the load is more widely distributed across the bar than concentrated in the bells.

Also, barbells offer more range of what you can do for bench presses, back work, triceps work and biceps work. The barbell keeps your hands in a fixed position, which can be helpful in bench presses where you want to maintain a much wider grip to recruit more of the pectorals; same principle applies when you're doing back rows.

Troy Lite is the system I have, as do many others here; it can be found at Fitness First (, I think).

Hope this helps -

Bald Barbeller

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