Barbell question


I currently do not have a barbell and just use dumb bells for all of the exercises that Cathe does. While this is working okay, I do find it a little awkward to do some of the moves that she does with DBs instead of a barbell. It is kind of weird, but I am actually having a form problem doing squats with DBs (i hold them in front of me at my shoulders). I was thinking that a BB might help with my form because the weight would be on my back instead of in front which kind of makes me hunch over.

My first question is, do you think a BB would make a difference and is a worthwhile purchase? Secondly if so, which BB would you recommend? I was looking at the Troy Light one that Cathe uses. Does anybody have any other recommendations?


Hey Karin, I'll take a run at your first question:) A barbell is not only a worthwhile purchase but IMO a necessity for well rounded resistance training. If I used DBs for squats I would be hard pressed to hold to 25# weights in each of my hands using great form and getting the most out of the exercise while a barbell loaded with 50# or more feels completely different and is much more effective in the long run. For upperbody work BBs recruit many of your stabiliser muscles to keep the barbell moving evenly, chest presses feel completely different to me with a barbell. You won't regret adding this to your home gym and the returns on your investment are seemingly limitless.

Take Care
I, too, debated about buying a barbell. I modified for a while, and also found that some of the exercises were a bit awkward with the DBs. I finally broke down and bought a 100lb set with a solid 15lb bar on sale at Dick's for about $40. Originally, I bought another set that had a 2-piece bar that you put together with pins (which I took back), and while it was cheaper, I wouldn't recommend it (it was coated with machining fluid that I just couldn't get off).

In some of the videos, it appears that Cathe uses a 15lb bar, and others she uses a 10lb (which is shorter, and might be more comfortable for you). For me it was a worthwile investment. Now my problem is keeping up when they change the weights! Godd luck with the decision.

I don't know if you go to garage or rummage sales but that's where I got both of my barbells. I got the weights for them at Play it Again sports for a very reasonable price.
I don't have a barbell either and am just using the DB. I do find that my form is not as great and that I can lift heavier with the barbell on the rare times that I go to the gym with my DH. I saw one for about $30 at Walmart. It was a complete system, smaller in size though. I believe it was made by the same people who make STEP. Anyone else see this and will it be a worthwhile investment? BTW, I'm not that strong yet so not lifting a whole lot of weight.
I agree with Laurie. I bought the Troy Lite a few years ago and have never regretted the investment. It has helped me enormously with form on squats and bench press. I think you will really enjoy it!
While a barbell is not necessary, it is helpful, and often more comfortable, for squats.

I have, and highly recommend, the Troy Lite set. I love the size. I love the rubber-coated plates (which don't rust like all metal plates). If you get it, pick up some extra weight plates at the same time. They even have 2.5# plates, which are very helpful for going up only 5# at a time.
I recently purchased a Danskin barbell. The bar itself is all padded, and it comes with purple and orange weight plates, and what I love about it is that the bar unscrews in the center, so it is easy to store. It was pretty inexpensive too, which works for me. Since I don't do ALOT of barbell workouts, this purchase was perfect for my needs. I found it in Sports Authority, but you can get one here..

I LOVE my barbell, and couldn't imagine not having it. In fact, I have two - a standard straight one, and the second is shorter and "curvy" in the middle which makes it more comfortable for some exercises (I use it for bicep work primarily - the modified grip makes it more comfortable on the wrists).

I highly recommend the purchase! My standard one is the long, 15 lb bar, and I get weight plates at either Play it Again Sports (where I originally purchased the bar & original plates), or Sports Authority. I'd recommend a removable barbell pad which makes it much more comfortable for leg work.


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