Bands Used In Your Workouts


Active Member
Hi, Cathe. I can't wait for my your new workouts and workout enthusiastically with a pal to your other workouts! Question: where do you get the bands used in your workouts? Specifically, I like the length and tension of the ones you use. I have shorter, tougher ones.

Thanks for the advice. Take care.

Ann Risler:)
I buy the Level 2 green bands from Fitness Wholesale: Cathe uses a six foot band, which you'll find on the linked page. They're cheap so I buy a few to have backups. I even bought the pink band like the one she uses in Stretch Max. Call me silly, but I like to "match". :)
Thanks for the link. I will order a green band in preparation for those ultra intense firewalkers. :p
Thanks for the link. Am I wrong about the shipping charge? It seems to be either 4.25 or about 7.00 so that doesn't mazke it so cheap. Collage has a $7.00 6' green band with free shipping, so wouldn't that balance out?

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