balls for new workouts

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-03 AT 08:58PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm waiting for my new dvds and would like to get my balls ahead of time. OK what is the scoop. Where is the cheapest place to get them? I live in northern california. Thanks!!!!!!
You can get a stability ball at Wal-Mart for pretty cheap, and I saw medicine balls at The Sports Authority for 35 dollars for a 9lbs one. Cathe uses an 8 pounder. I think I'm going to buy a 12 or 15 pounder and work my way up to it by using dumbells first.
I thought this thread was going to be about who had "balls" for the new workouts. Answer: Almost all of us!
Play it again sports. That is a great idea. I do have one in the area. thanks..

I thought about that balls things after I did the post. Well, you have to have some balls to even order these workouts! Right?!?!
Examine the Wal-Mart stability balls carefully. (Do they have more than on type?) My son accidentally popped mine with a pencil. The one I bought at Play it Again Sports is MUCH more resilient. It even felt heavier and more substantial before I put air in it.
I would also caution against getting "the cheapest" stability ball. I recently changed from a regular stability ball to a Dura ball, and I can really tell how much more sturdy the Dura Ball is. I've recently seen a fun-looking "nubby" ball on both HSN (silver grey and sturdy looking, hawked by Tony Little :-( ) and on QVC (pretty blue Reebok). BOth are around $25.
Sturdy balls are also available from fitter1
Kristie--I ordered my med ball from Fitness Wholesale (or warehouse---it's the site Cathe has listed on her homepage in Behind the Scenes/Equipment&Clothing). I think it was $39 or so. I've purchased from FW in the past and have been pleased. My stability ball I got from I'm happy with it. I had one I had bought from Sports Authority but it felt flimsy. The quality of my new one is 100% better. Suzanne
I want to buy just the right thing and need some input. My Fitness1st catalog has one called Gymnic Plus that's $19.00 in the 21" size (my size). Anyone heard of it?
I just picked up a 6lb medecine ball at Target. I wanted 8 lbs, but since this was only $25 as opposed to the $40 I saw some for at Sports Authority, I felt like I could start with 6 and work my way up to 8lbs. I hope it's not too light....
Not all the Targets in my area carried these, btw.

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