Baked Apple Smoothie Variation


Thanks to Jane's ("luvtorun")recipe she posted in the Sept 27 Moment of Truth thread, I have been enjoying baked apple smoothies several times a week. They are awesome Jane! This weekend I subbed pears for the apples and boy was that good too. To take it one step further, I subbed chocolate protein powder for vanilla, and they are extra yummy.:9 And my kitchen smells heavenly with both the baked apples and pears. Thanks again for the great recipe!

Thanks Sue, I'll try it. I've made a pear smoothie before but didn't bake them first. I'm going to make one today with choc protein powder and Davinci Cherry syrup. I'm hoping it will taste like a choc-covered cherry.

Keep the ideas coming. I love trying new ideas for smoothies.

Just bake your apples, I halve mine and bake them with cinnamon and Splenda until tender. Then chopped up one cup and freeze the day before and use that one cup of apples with a cup of skim milk and a scoop of vanilla protein powder. You get the consistency of soft serve ice cream. YUM.

The choc/cherry smoothie was good but with no frozen fruit, I had to add more ice than I like so I think this one needs tinkering. I will try it with Silk soy choc milk next time so the flavor won't dilute so much.

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