Backwards on INCLINE(Crossramp) Eleptical


Hello everyone,

It'd be very nice if someone would answer my question. My intension is to shape/firm up my butt/ham area. I know weight training would be a better exercise but I'm might as well trying to get an extra help from INCLINE Eleptical/Crossramp while doing a cardio session, too. If I'm pedeling BACKWARDS on INCLINE Eleptical (Crossramp) machine, am I using more of glues/hams than while going forward motion????
Yes, but if you put enough incline, you can get a good workout on all parts of your legs...just be careful of your knees with the high incline if you have any sort of knee problems. Bottom line - going backwards targets glutes/hams more than going forwards. Just watch your posture - stand up straight - gets your abs too.

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