I realize this isn't the "TTC Forum," so I hope you all won't mind me asking a question since I am not pregnant yet. Anyway, I was taking a baby aspirin a day for reasons not relating to TTC, but during the "waiting period" I don't take them. I thought if you weren't supposed to take aspirin when you are pregnant (got that info from this forum) that you shouldn't take baby aspirin when there was a chance you might be pregnant. SO, I was on the web site fertilityfriend.com, and I see that people are discussing taking b.a., Robitussin, etc. at various times in their cycle to improve their chances of conceiving. I don't use the forums there just the software for TTC, but that one thread stuck out to me. Can anyone educate me on any of this??!! I suppose I should ask my doctor, but I thought I'd give it a shot here! I hope this makes sense.........