Baby # 3?

Michele S

Just curious how many women out there have three or more children and what made you decide to have the third. My husband and I are contemplating number 3 and everyone we talk to has very different opionions on the 2 vs. 3 kids family.
Hi Michelle. I have 4 kiddies. Going from 2 to 3 was a huge decision for me. Every day I would say to am I going to do this with would I handle this with 3. I was on the fence for a long time. My husband is an only child and I only have one younger brother so we both wanted a big family. My husband would have been fine if we would have stopped at two. We already had a girl and a boy so there was no pressure to get the "missing" sex. Deep down, I felt if we didn't have at least 3, I felt we would be missing out on something. So one day, I literally said let's just do it and I will deal with it when the baby comes. Not very rational thinking.....but......anywho. We obviously did have more and in my opinion the third and fourth (if you go to number 4) are really easy. Going from one to two was a big adjustment for me. You have to learn how to juggle everything and you are always out numbered. So you are more prepared for number three because you are already in that mode when the baby comes. We love having a big family. I look forward to when they get older and we have the huge holiday dinners and there is always friends over. One huge piece of advice I can offer is if you don't have alot of help and support from your husband, number 3 could be rough. I am truly blessed with my husband....he helps and supports me soooooo much. I couldn't not have 4 kids if I didn't have him backing me 100%. If you have this from your husband, I say go for it. It may be a little rough in the beginning, but some day you will look at that little one and think how could I have ever considered not having you. Lots of luck. I hope this helped.

Hi Michelle,
I'm 6 1/2 months along with #3 and I'm so excited! After I had #2 We wasn't sure if we'd be having anymore but as he got older we both just knew that our family wasn't complete. I agree with Kim in that I believe this baby will be the easiest yet(I have a 6 yr old and a 3 yr old) and my kids are a few years apart which for me is great. I don't believe I could cope with having 3 that were less than 2 years apart but that's just me. I have a very supportive husband also. He's willing to do whatever I need to make my life easier. I am a stay at home mom so I don't have to worry about juggling an outside job with taking care of my family. That works for us! You both should definitely want another child, I don't think it's a decision that only one of you should make but if you're both in agreement then why not go for it!

Its such a personal choice. I have 3 kids and my youngest is 7 months old. I would not trade him for anything. I always wanted 2 or 3 but now that I have 3 I want one more!! I found 1 to 2 much much harder than 2 to 3. I've heard from 3 to 4 is even easier!! I agree if my husband was not a hands on supportive dad I could not handle it. He does work a lot but when he is home, he is amazing with the kids.

Good luck in your decision!

Thanks, everyone!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your replies. I "think" we've decided to go for the third. My son is 4 1/2 and my daughter is 15 months (3 years, 2 months apart) so I'd like to space the next one about the same, maybe even a little under three years, which means getting pregnant this coming summer. I agree with having at least the two years apart. My son was old enough to somewhat comprehend what was happening and when Gabrielle was finally here, he was thrilled, although he's not sure that he wants another baby again! :)

My husband is from a family of three and so am I, and I think my biggest fear is not having the third and then someday feeling regret. I think three (or more) helps to round things out!

Thanks again!

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