

Does anyone know anything about Avlimil ? Saw a commercial and thought I would see if anyone here had tried ?
Upearly (Annette)
I tried it and it made me VERY depressed and I was only on it for about 3 weeks because of the depression, and I felt no increased libido. If you find anything, let me know 'cause I am still on the lookout!!

Alvimil is touted as increasing the female libido. Because I am perimenopausal, I have suffered from low libido. Not all the time, just sometimes (go figure!) so I talked to my GYN about it. She said other patients were asking so she wrote the company that manufactures the stuff to see what was in it. They would not give her the information so she said she felt she could not recommend it. I did some further reading on the internet and read that it could take up to three months to see any results.

The commercials call their product all natural. Well, okay, but I think we all know that just cause it's natural, doesn't mean it's safe to ingest.
A friend of mine just gave me her order of Avlimil because her doctor said "no" because of meds she takes for bipolar disorder. She gave them to me along with the literature that came with them. I read the literature with a critical eye. These are a few observations that have led me to decide not to use it.

First of all the literature repeatedly says it contains no hormones, then goes on to talk about the isoflavens in it and low estrogens. I see that as a contradiction in terms. Another reason is the number of ingredients. There are several "natural" herbs in this concoction, because that is exactly what it is, a concoction of several different herbs. I don't think people stop to think that medicines are often made from herbs. It doesn't matter that it is "natural", many deadly substances are made from "natural" ingredients. Also because these supplements aren't regulated like drugs, there is really no way to know how they will react with other drugs one is taking. I take sythroid, and any kind of isoflavin or estrogen supplement is off my list because of interactions with this medication. I also worry that one could become dependent on this supplement to generate a libido, and what would happen when you stop taking it. NOWHERE in the literature was there any mention of what the supplement would cost after the free trial ran out.

Some things are just too good to be true.

Just some observations.

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