Happy Friday everyone ,
Conni, that's a great idea. I need to put something together for the remaining days. As for today, I woke up late and didn't have much time. I did the standing leg work and stretch of GS legs. That put me over 40 minutes, I initially thought I could finish the standing portion in about 25 minutes. GS Legs is a great workout but it is long and tough and you just want it to be over ! My legs got quite a burn. Then, I did the 3 mile run, well actually for me it was 3.26 miles including my cool down. My running time has improved greatly with this rotation. I completed 3 miles in about 33 min and 20 sec, which is my new personsal best. I may or may not do the floorwork section tonight or maybe I will add it on to tomorrow's workout.
Have a great day,
(P.S. I can't take another Hurricane joke
;-) )