Attn: Honeybunch and Other Trainers


Hey, Miss HB and others - I currently have a really nice pair of Plate-Mate magnetic add-ons for my metal hex dumbbells that add 2.5 lbs per dumbbell (each Plate-Mate weighing 1.25 lbs.).

I would dearly love to find a pair that weighs 0.5 lbs EACH, so that the combined weight would be 1 lbs to slap on the DBs.

I've tried Fitness Wholesale, Power Systems, Perform Better and Fitness First online websites with precisely zero luck.

Do you have any other suggestions for websites, or do you know if these 0.5-pounders even exist?


RE: Good Golly Miss Hollie!

Thank you so much! Your link took me right to the page, and PlateMate just made a sale!

Thanks again!

RE: Good Golly Miss Hollie!

ooohh.. I want these too, but they are such a rip-off!! When you figure all you are buying is 1 pound of weight!! I have the 1.5 pders and sometimes I slap one on a dumbell but it does feel pretty akward.. Maybe I will get those for my B-DAY!!!!

Plate mates are sooooo expensive. Did you know that you can purchase large ~.5 pound magnets for $4 at Home Depot? The drawback is that you do have to weigh them to get the weight but think of the money you could be saving.

Also, if you are looking for plates with 1" wholes, Omni Fitness has 1.5 lb plates for $0.39/pound (works out to $0.49 each). I have offered (& WILL CONTINUE TO OFFER) to run over to my local store & ship them for anyone interested. The store is less than 5 minutes from my house, so it's not inconvenient. Donna (gettinfit@39) took me up on the offer, she wanted 6, it cost her a whopping $8 for the plates with shipping.
Well Deborah I think I'd like to take you up on your offer! :) I was in need of an in between weight last night. I was doing overhead double arm french presses with 10, 12, 15 and 20 pound dumbbells but really needed to start at 12 but I no longer have my 25's. Then again 25's would have been a bit much.

So if don't mind..... I would certainly appreciate it! Please email me to work out the details.


[email protected]

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