Attn Francine ... Please Help !!


Active Member
Hi Francine,

I have been searching through some past posts trying to find some help to my situation and came across an older post you had responded to about BMR. I find the information you share very informative and helpful.

I have been working out with Cathe DVDs on a regular basis since last September. I have played around with different daily routines, but find I have settled comfortably into working out 6 days per week (3 cardio and 3 weights). Currently I am doing the S&H series and am finishing up a 4 week rotation (triceps/biceps one day, chest/back one day and legs/shoulders one day).

For cardio I was initially doing Cathe's tapes ... mostly Rythmic Step but find now with the nicer weather I have been walking/running 5k (although it is more fast walking than running at this point ... I am trying to increase on my running).

My frustration is in the fact that during this time I have maybe at most lost 2 - 3 lbs. In an older post you had calculated someone's BMR for them and I was hoping you may be able to help me out on this one. I would really be interested in finding out how much I should be eating as I am starting to come to the conclusion that it is not enough.

I am a 42 year old female, 5'1" and currently weigh 155. For diet I try to stick to a 30/40/40 ratio and would say that I eat fairly clean through the week and take a break on the weekend but by no means would say that I binge. I also spready my eating out into 5 - 6 small meals a day. My caloric intake is usually around 1400 - 1600. I would really like to drop about 25 - 30 lbs.

I do have some muscle tone and after this last rotation with S&H I can say I have really seen a difference in my arms and legs .... if only I could get the scale to move }( Please Help !

I really do find your input very helpful and thought that by posting this perhaps it may help others as well ... I am sure I'm not the only one with this frustration. I'd appreciate anything you have to offer. :)
Hi Ellis!
   I understand your frustrations and you certainly are not alone! Knowing what your body needs as far as caloric intake goes is
" extremely important" not only for daily functions but for weight management as well!  Many  people undereat thinking that will help lose the extra weight when all that really does is reverse the body function process and stores the food as fat and the body goes into starvation mode!  Inadequate nutrition can prevent you from reaching your health and fitness goals. You want and need to have a accurate range and know your balance if you want to achieve these goals realistically!  This certainly can be done with calculations but they are not as accurate as a medgem device! If you are serious about knowing your  most accurate range than I highly recommend getting this done! A wise investment(IMHO) to jumpstart your plateau and get you on the right track!

    MedGem is a handheld device that accurately and quickly measures your resting metabolic rate (RMR) and oxygen consumption. In just a few minutes, MedGem calculates your metabolism to determine your body's internal efficiency and helps your healthcare provider and you understand your nutritional therapy needs for effective weight loss and fitness management. It provides the information you need to achieve greater personal control of your health.
Check to see where it can be done near you

I still did your calculations , as requested, just to give you an idea but remember these are ranges not set in stone!
You weigh 155 lbs. and you have a light activity level:

Your BMR is (155/2.2)*.9*24 = "1521" calories.

Your Activity level lower limit is 837 calories

Your Activity level upper limit is 989 calories

Your calories per day = 2358 to 2511 calories.

Now with moderate activity level:

Your BMR is (155/2.2)*.9*24 = "1521" calories.

Your Activity level lower limit is 989 calories

Your Activity level upper limit is 1141 calories

Your calories per day = 2511 to 2663 calories

  Remember to factor in safely 2 lbs of fatloss each week by deducting your calories each day from your range!(create a negative calorie deficit)
Also work within your Target heart rate for maximum fatburning while doing your cardio!( heart rate monitors are excellent for tracking your progress or atleast check your pulse to make sure you are in your zone)
Here's some calculations for your heart rate
Your Resting heart rate is 60
Your MhR is 178
At 65% , 115
70%, 124

for more calculations check out this neat site,

Take care and Good luck to you in reaching your goals!

PS Drop me an email if you get a chance and let me know how you make out when and if you get the medgem done, I won't be on the forums much due to a heavy schedule this August! So email me personally at [email protected] and keep me posted!
Thanks so much Francine for your advice. You've given me lots to work with. The medgem sounds pretty interesting. I will check out the sites you recommended over the weekend and I will keep you posted on my progress. :)

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