Hi Wendy! Everything you are going through is normal. A lot of what I experienced (and still am experiencing) is totally new to me. I, too, had a lot of help from family the first two weeks I was home (my mom-in-law for the entire first week, and my mom for the entire 2nd week). I didn't cry once during that time, but boy oh boy, when I was on my own for the 3rd week, the flood gates opened!!! I was so overwhelmed. I couldn't stand all the people telling me to enjoy him now cause he'll grow up so fast-I felt that I had to have my eyes on him 24/7. I also had to get used to being on my own, not going to work and not having stuff to do all the time. It is a HUGE adjustment!!! It's unfortunate that such an emphasis is placed on the excitement of being pregnant, but not too much is placed on the real-life adjustments that have to be made and all the emotions we experience (not that being pregnant isn't great).
My baby cries ALL the time! Well, it seems like all the time to me. He is the definition of colicky! I can't stand it when relatives, although they mean well, give a multitude of suggestions (he's too hot, he's too cold, you have his diaper on too tight, he has gas, he should be given cereal, he got spoiled because he's held a lot.........) But, I had dreams all throughout my pregnancy that my little guy would be so smiley, and we'd have so much fun together. I love him to death, but it is difficult right now.
I have been exercising when I can. He is napping right now, so I want to do KPC. I hope I have a good week of workouts to report next week.
Well, that's all for now. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone, and from talking to all of my friends who recently have had babies, everything we are going through is normal.
Enjoy Joey, and enjoy your day!