<--aruba, jamaica, ooh i wanna take ya...


<--couldn't resist song today
<--says ZERO more sleeps until aruba!
<--is veeery excited!
<--woke up so, so early
<--will try to go back to sleep but thinks that may be difficult
<--is too excited and wants to go already
<--is all packed and ready to go!
<--hopes youse all have a wonderful, fantabuous fried-day
<--cc8 on the elliptical done
<--ready to get in the shower and go to the airport (will get dressed first ;0 )
<--wanted to say bye to you all and hope you have a great weekend!
<-- is up one hour too early, it's only 3:30
<-- is excited and wants to go workout with Coach Sean :7
<-- has found a new addiction
<-- has to wait because <-- doesn't want to run through the sprinklers at the park while going uphill
<-- sends Lorie off to Aruba with lots of hugs and kishies
<-- hopes Lorie has lots of fun and gets some well-deserved R&R
<-- is glad Lorie mentioned that she would put clothes on before going to the airport :p
<-- will go and make some tea
<-- wishes everyone a fantabulous Friday
<-- waves to Catherine
<-- says, yup, is already in workout clothes and shoes, heartrate monitor and pedometer strapped on, iPod fired up :) and doggies are already doing the excited dance
<-- ready to leave in a few minutes
<-- wonders what Catherine is up to today
<--Waves good morning to Lorie,Catherine,Carola and all who follows!
<--high fives Lorie for her early morning workout
<--know she will have a fabulous time in Aruba
<--Thinks running through sprinklers sounds swell;-)especially if its hot:D
<--has several CC workouts but has yet to do any:eek:
<--needs to try them?
<--waves to Miss Catherine and hopes she having a great day!
<--is still in her recovery week and loving every bit of it}:)7
<--skips out of thread singing "Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama"
<--- says hi to Lorie, Catherine, Carola and Amelia
<--- hopes Lorie has a fabulous time
<--- also thinks 'staycation' sounds great and hopes Catherine enjoys hers
<--- can't believe how early Carola is up x(
<--- hopes Amelia has a lovely day
<--- just had first attempt at PLB <--- is v glad has no more workouts planned for the weekend!
<--- is going to stay with friends this weekend - good food, good wine, good chat and relaxation!! can't wait!
<---is all done Kicking, Punching and Crunching
<---actually Crunched, Kicked and Punched
<---can't do the pikes on the ball after Kicking and Punching!
<---is going here today: http://www.arts-festival.com/
<---hopes all who at Staycationing, Vacationing and Cominghome-ationing have a wonderful day
<---wanders in singing "bermuda, bahama, come on pretty mama..." ;)
<---is very excited for Lorie's super-fabulous vacation :D
<---hopes she has a fantastic time!
<---is also very excited that it's Friday
<---doesn't think the weather is going to be so great this weekend (hot, humid and possibly rainy), but <--- will just be happy to sit around and be lazy
<---is happy to see Carola has joined the rest of us Coach Sean addicts
<---will be feeding <---'s addiction tomorrow with Vol 5 on the TM
<---hopes Catherine is feeling well-rested after turning in early last night
<---agrees with Amelia that running through sprinklers sounds just dandy in this weather :)
<---gives Ronne ^5s on doing PLB - that's a toughie!!!
<---hopes Robin has a fun time at the arts festival
<---has never considered crunching before kicking and punching - what a fabulous idea!
<---will try that next time <--- does that workout
<---is off to explore Catheland... hope to bbl!
<-- just got back from morning w/o with Coach Sean
<-- tells everyone running through sprinklers sounds great as long as it didn't rain heavily last night
<-- was worse than <-- anticipated
<-- the whole park was flooded and those City of Phoenix clowns had the sprinklers running in full force, resulting in <-- standing in water up to the ankles
<-- but the city maintenance workers are so busy patronizing people about leash laws that understandably they have no time for unimportant stuff like not wasting our tax money by killing the grass off every year because of overwatering and then spending oodles of money for re-turfing <--x( - sorry for venting
<-- doesn't know much about the Adam Sandler movie
<-- hopes Catherine enjoyed it despite of being a tear jerker
<-- has never thought of Adam Sandler in terms of tear jerker movie
<-- thinks Amelia should try CC - greatest workout EVER IMO
<-- also ^^^^5s Ronne for doing PLB
<-- waves to kicking, crunching and punching Robin
<-- will join Evily in CC Vol. 5 tomorrow
<-- is off to do 4DS Legs x( x(
<-- is d.r.e.a.d.i.n.g it
<-- hopes the oatmeal is ready by the time <-- is finished
<-- is starving
<-- toodles
<--- waves good morning
<--- hopes everyone has a happy Friday
<--- wishes Lorie bon voyage, though she's already probably gone
<--- probably won't be back
<--just finished an organic (whatever that means) yummy spinach pizza pocket :9
<--sends Em a frozen drink of her choice and a fan to cool her down
<--thinks Robin goes to the coolest places
<--is glad Amelia is enjoying her recovery week
<--wants to have some good food & good wine with Ronne
<--tells Shelley she is missed :(
<--did LM step without the blasts this morning and weighted pullups
<--is ready for a nap!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<---waves hello to everyone
<---has been crazy busy lately
<---mistakenly thought summer was for relaxing
<---thinks Catherine's pizza pocket does indeed sound yummy
<---wonders if there is room in Lorie's suitcase for <---(';-)')
<---hopes Robin enjoys the arts festival
<---agrees that Amelia needs to try CC
<---has Vol. 8 now, but still hasn't tried it yet
<---hopes Ronne enjoys her weekend
<---waves to Carola and Shelley
<---sends Emily a blow up pool to soak in as she sips her frozen drink from Catherine
<---wonders if you all remember the movie Goonies?
<---says DH looks like Sloth right now as one eye is completely swollen shut and has been like that for a few days
<---says he went to the doc and they put him on prednisone but the only thing it has done so far is make him unable to sit still
<---is off to fold more laundry'x(')
<---is going to invent eco-friendly disposable clothes(';)')
<---hopes everyone enjoys the rest of their Friday

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
<-- hasn't read any other posts than Lorie's
<-- figured it couldn't get better than that post ;)
<-- has to tell you; omg the new meds are darn close to a MIRACLE
<-- sat at the library for 6 hours today and was productive for probably 5.75 of it!!!!
<-- can hardly believe it
<-- kinda regrets how hard law school was for <-- now that <-- can see how little <-- was able to focus and/or concentrate!
<-- does miss being here instead, though! ;)
<-- should tell you about cutie capris, too
<-- got them in hawaii and then DH ordered more for <-- but they're not here yet since the distributor is kinda lame, but who cares they're good capris
<-- thinks they're $20 and they're really thin so they're great GREAT for working out in:

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