Are Today's Weddings All About The Money??

>>. . . and should you not remain married for longer than 5
>>years, then I expect my "donation" back with interest. }(
>Please, my cousin was engaged to this guy, with whom she
>already had kids, I went to the shower toting a very nice
>bagel toaster combo thingee, only to receive a note in the
>mail not a week later reading "So sorry to inform you that the
>wedding between XXX and XXX will not be taking place." Turns
>out my cousin was having several liasons with other men and
>her fiancee found out. I thought for sure she - or my aunt! -
>would return the gifts but nope, she kept every last one. For
>a while I felt like going over there every morning in my robe
>and popping a bagel in. Whole wheat, of course :7
>I want my nice bagel toaster combo thingee back, gol dang it.
>People are shameless.

OMG Sparrow...that is AWFUL! I would have certainly returned every last gift! YIKES! I think you SHOULD march on over there w/that bagel!:p
Very entertaining posts everyone!! And I couldn't agree more that weddings, such as this one we attended, are way out of control. And for what? Yeah, people live beyond their means anymore with credit cards, and yeah, proms probably do factor into the 'Cinderella' ball theme of the wedding reception's these days. I agree with all of it!! And Sparrow, you should go over to your cousin's and toast your bagel tomorrow morning! People are just so rude these days!

Sparrow, you wedding sounds lovely. That is what I hope to do for our kids...have the wedding/reception at our house. Of course, it will depend on what they want but I would be thrilled to have them here. My fondest memories of anyone's wedding reception was a backyard affair a few years ago. It was lovely and it was fun.

One more tidbit...that hellish wedding couple wanted to hire a limo to take them from the church to the reception but found out it was going to cost them $ they called a friend, not a close friend either, and asked if he would bring his RV over and drive them around in that. Let's see, at $3 per gallon gas...what did that cost the friend because he did do it! Drove the entire wedding party around for two hours bar hopping.

That's another thing I don't 'get' about weddings...why does the wedding party always have to go on a drinking binge after the wedding so they all show up sloshed at the reception and then they all have to take turns giving stupid speeches that only they think are funny and more often gets out of control with crudness about the bride? I like to party with the next guy but there is a time and a place...and to me it is so extremely tacky when the bride and groom do this.
Actually, I'm convinced that if we bring debutante balls back, the current overblown idea of a "wedding" (which is really about the event and not about the marriage) will go away. I think many girls just want to flounce around in a lovely dress with everyone paying her attention. At least with a ball, you aren't trapped with your date for life. :)

>Actually, I'm convinced that if we bring debutante balls
>back, the current overblown idea of a "wedding" (which is
>really about the event and not about the marriage) will go
>away. I think many girls just want to flounce around in a
>lovely dress with everyone paying her attention. At least with
>a ball, you aren't trapped with your date for life. :)

OMG! That is so funny! Where've you been, Marie? I seems like I haven't "seen" you around here in ages! We need you to bring levity to these posts.

>OMG! That is so funny! Where've you been, Marie? I seems like
>I haven't "seen" you around here in ages! We need you to bring
>levity to these posts.

Hi, Michele!!! Thank you so much. :) I have been buried in work but my project is launching week after next so I am hoping to come up for air sometime around then! :)

Hope you are well!
LMAO at the not being trapped with your date for life!!!!!!

No kidding! :eek:

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