Are there any formerly "choregraphically challenged" Cathe fans?


New Member
I was wondering if any of you were choreographically challenged before you started doing Cathe videos? How did you ease into complex choregraphy? I can handle advanced fitness, but I am apprehensive of complex choregraphy.

Also...what are the positives of doing complex choreography? Is it more fun?

I am preparing myself to start Cathe.

ME! I was/am choreographically challenged for sure. Of course, I don't feel it so much right now because I've learned the moves and feel comfortable doing them. As my Tang Soo Do master used to say to me, "perfect practice makes perfect." When I start a new video I am guaranteed to have multiple rewind sessions ;-). I was pretty intimidated when I viewed my first Cathe video (BodyMax). I thought it would take me a lot longer to get it down than it actually did. Don't let yourself feel intimidated, it will only hold you back. You will pick it up for sure eventually, probably sooner than you think! And yes, I think a 'positive' of more choreography is that it makes the workout more fun. Time flies by for me when I'm doing Rhythmic Step.
Hi Shanna!!!

The first Cathe Step tape I got was Step Works. I did a lot of rewinding. Since that time I've acquired most all of Cathe's workouts and I realize that if I had started with an earlier easier tape my learning would have been much quicker.

Ask for advice on which Cathe to start with. Many people say The Wedding Video, and Mega Step Blast are good places to start. I'm sure others on this forum can help with suggestions. (Don't start with Rhythmic Step or Step Works)

I don't consider myself choreo-challenged but i'm not a genius either. One thing is for sure, the more you do the better you get at it. And once you get the 'terminology' then it really is a lot easier.

Complex choreo is fun because it challenges the brain, gives you a sense of accomplishment when you learn it, and the time does fly by. Also it fights boredom. Even a tape I've done several times is still fun and interesting.

I still am!

I look at the step portion in Circuit Max when I hit the playback button and she is leaping along doing hops and I'm thinking..."You want me to do what?!"
Sometimes I forget where to face or which foot funny!
But i feel awesome after I catch on. I'm thinking "Whoa! Look at me go!" but by next week I forget all over again. I hate power 7's and over the board times infinity. I like pendulums and hop turn and jacks and V steps and tap dances and figure 8's though!
I like Power max.
RE: I still am!

Hi guys! Thanks so much for your help!

Hi Joy!!!

Lizzie, I am formerly a Tang Soo Do student myself and I remember well that phrase! Thanks!

I am getting Mega Step Blast...wish me luck...I have felt so left out hearing all of the Cathe warriors talk about how much they love their workout.

RE: I still am!

Shanna (hi!)

I am wishing you luck. Mega Step Blast really is a Mega Blast. This one really works me and really gets my thighs. Watch out for that third step section..
RE: I still am!

Hi Joy, it's great to see you!

I will certainly look out for it. I am thinking of also getting the Wedding tape. Do you have any suggestions for Cathe's weight videos?

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