>I've been lurking....
>DH: "Honey you seem kind of troubled, is something wrong?"
>DW: "Oh its nothing" (well we know it's something)
>DH: "Dear I was going to watch the game over with the boys."
>DW: "well if thats what you really want to do." (there's a
>hidden price tag on that statement.)
>We all have communications issues. Communication is at least
>a 2 party responsibility. Until an understood exchange of
>ideas happen, it's not communication.
>My wife and I have been married 27 years now, raised 2
>teenagers (talk about communications issues). Be clear about
>what you want or expect, make sure the other party has totally
>understood what you've expressed.
>Communications is a joint success or a joint failure.
>just a male perspective
i agree with above. believe me men think we are just as hard to communicate with as well(fine,nothing, and whatever do not tell them what is wrong,how we feel,or what we think). like dave, dh and i are raising an autistic child. believe me spas,fancy dinners,date nights, and big vacations do not happen for us. we have to rely on the little stuff, and sometimes i have to open my mouth and ask for what i want done. sure it gets to me that he should want to,but its sometiems not that he doesn't want to, its that he has a lot going on and just doesn't think of it,so i have to keep that in mind and let it go. and sometimes he doesn't want to treck into dangerious terriorty of making the first move unless he knows what i want. i can be a tickign time bomb of mood swings and if i don't communicate my mood, he doesn't know what to do or say.
"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"