

Hi Annette..

I directed this post to you, because I thought you might know...maybe Honeybunch as well...or anyone for that matter....

Recently, I have been wanting a way to quantifyingly measure my bodybuilding successes and have been wanting to take my bodyfat. I have a Tanita body fat scale that measures me 10 percent higher than a Covert Bailey measurement fat test. I also recently purchased an Accumeasure off the internet, it is a digital caliper to measure your fat.

You measure your fat in the same places you are instructed to in the ACE manual. The computer part of the caliper calculates your fat %...I think you have to give it your sex and age, maybe??

I get high readings on that as well and am wondering why. I have the kind of body where if you try to "pinch" the fat, you do not get a clear there is no fat that pulls easily away from my body (except for the good ol stomach!!). With my legs, you cannot even pinch it without the skin snapping right back, so because it is hard to pull away, everyone I have do it, just grabs this painful CHUNK. Like, hey , I know that is muscle you are grabbing!!:):)

I notice it is sort of the same on my husband, who has alot of muscle, but shouldn't be incredibly lean. Meanwhile, my brother, who doesn't work can pull this perfect little fold from his chest and measure it exactly.

Do you know what causes this discrpency?? Is it the amount of muscle?? I know I have fat on me, but it is almost like it must be dense fat rather than "jiggly" fat. Hard to grab. Am I doing the readings right, or should I keep on with the Covert Bailey measurment test that he seems to think is more accurate for athletic people?? Any feedback would be appreciated!! Janice
RE: Janice! We need Honeybunch!

Alas, I'm the last person in the world who can help you with that question; I'm not a certified personal trainer, and I have never taken a body fat measurement of any kind including calipers.

From your post I cannot tell whether your measurements are all self-taken or if you are having some of them taken by another person. If they are self-taken it could be that you need some hands-on training in how to do that. Also, I do believe that you are going to get different readings with different types of calipers, just as you will get different scale weights on different scales.

Not to diss your wanting to take objective measurements for body fat, but is it really so important given the fact that you are so lean already that it's difficult to get a grab on?

RE: Janice! We need Honeybunch!

I am sorry. I assumed you were a trainer, just because, I guess , cuz all of the wonderful info you put out there. Yes, I guess we do need HONEYBUNCH!!!:)

No biggie with the fat thing. It just irks me that I can never get the same reading from all these apparatuses. My sis (who has the clear "skinfold") gets accurate readings within one percent on my fat scale, calipers, and the measurement fat test. I differ on all three about 10 percent. I was just wondering what is different about her that makes her reading more accurate. If you have very little fat to grab on your legs, as I do, why do the trainers always think they have to grab a CHUNK just because they can't get a clear "skinfold". I have always been curious about this, not really because I care for my fat%, but just because I am weird like that. Forever in the pursuit of fitness knowlege. Maybe Honeybunch will see this and save us!!! thanks....Janice
RE: Janice! We need Honeybunch!

Hey, Janice! Thanks for "mistaking" me for a trainer; I'm an ACE-certified group fitness instructor, and much of the core study for the respective exams deals with the same topics of exercise physiology, anatomy, biomechanics and kinesiology, nutrition . . . you know, all that light summer reading! :)

Also, having instructed hundreds of classes over the past 5-1/2 years and fielded hundreds of questions from participants, I've scurried back to my textbooks untold numbers of times to make sure my answers are right! Nothing like teaching something to make you learn it!

Hope Honeybunch can help you out on the Calipers Question! My guess is, there just ain't any extra fat on you to grab!

Annette Q. Aquajock

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