Aqua aerobics equipment


Active Member
Merry Christmas!

Quick question - does anyone know if there is such a thing as a waterproof microphone/headset for aqua instructors?

A good friend of mine, 72 years old and a 7-year throat cancer survivor, teaches aqua classes 4 days a week. It is starting to take a toll on her voice box and she is concerned that she may have to cut back on the number of classes she teaches. I told her that I would try to find something for her online, but my searches have been futile. Does such a thing exist?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Debbie Russo
Yes they do exist. They used to have them at one of the clubs I teach at, but like most other aqua equipment the chlorine destroyed it very quickly. Unfortunately I don't know where they got it. Could you call's service people and ask if they know about them.

I am having the same problem as your friend and have decided that as of Memorial Day I am done teaching aqua. My throat is always sore and I used to have a great singing voice and I can't sing at all anymore. It is too bad that something like this equipment can make instructors decided to no longer teach aqua, but ultimately we must act in our own best interest.


Thanks, I will call them. I can't believe something like this is so difficult to locate. It is hard to believe that the technology isn't there to make a water-proof microphone.

My friend is hoping not to have to give up in-water teaching to do deck-side instruction.

Sorry about your sore throat. Hopefully a rest will bring back you singing voice.

Thanks again,
Debbie Russo
You might want to try calling a scuba diving equipment store - they have all kinds of waterproof equipment and usually they have diving teachers working there, who might know about something like this. Hope this helps!

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