April 8 Lower Body Rotation


Hi Ladies,

I used the Time Saver DVD last night. I did the cardio condtioning from KPC, Step from SJP and then all of #5.. Great workout.

What about everyone else?

Hope everyone is feeling good and positive today!!!! :D

Hi girls,

Yes I am feeling positive!

I did 20 minutes of abs this morning. I did the abs and core from SP&J for the first time and let me tell you, I've got some work to do! That ab workout brings crunching to a whole new level.
Then I did all the core work from Boot Camp.

I probably won't be posing again until Monday (we have every other Friday off) so you guys have a great weekend! I will do weights tomorrow, IMAX and Boot Camp cardio on Saturday and then L&G extreme and more abs on Sunday.
Hi Ladies,

I slept in this morning, so instead of doing KPC I did 2 miles of interval running on the treadmill at lunch (aka Body for Life cardio). Will do some ab work tonight and finish out the week with ME tomorrow and Boot Camp on Saturday.

Keep up the good work everyone!

- Shopgirl :)
Well, I finally worked out yesterday. YAHOO!!! I did the KPC/L&G's 82 min. workout. Today I am going to do Imax 2, and the leg weight workout from L&G's. Have a great Easter and weekend everyone.
Happy Friday!

I did the upper body premix to ME this morning and will run on the treadmill at lunch. Tomorrow is Boot Camp x( - ugh.

I'm working on tightening up the eating. So far, so good.

Have a swell weekend and talk with you on Monday.

- Shopgirl :)
Been insanely busy at work - one nite til 3 am :( another 2 til 11:30 but I see the light at the end of the tunnel

L&G tomorrow..
Hi Ladies,

There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

I have been running the past three days. So, tomorrow it will be L&G!

Have a Happy Easter!!!

Hi Ladies,

I'm in.....Yes, I had to get my computer I let my sis use. Until I can get my other one fix. Besides it was sitting dormant at her home.

So far, I have stuck with my rotation except for today. I did Legs & Glutes & MIS Abs. Tomorrow, I'll be doing Imax 2 & MIS Abs, my diet was the pitts on yesterday. But, I'm back on track, ttys.


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