Ok, I'm awesome. I managed to get enough stuff done today to justify sitting down and writing a post.
Thanks for all the compliments on the dress! My SIL would rather live in the age of 20s and she sells vintage dresses on ebay, so when I saw this retro dress in such a gorgeous color I picked it up. $50! What was really funny was that I had to not wear a bra because when I wore a strapless bra it made my boobs look even bigger and push out of the dress screaming, "look at me!" I'm convinced now that big designers like CK and VW only make dresses for thin sticks with flat chests. Ok, that's enough boob talk.
The wedding itself was fine. I would actually love to vent privately about how Joe and his family can make my head explode. We don't have good relations with my SIL...mostly because she ditched our wedding early, lied to everyone about why, and then when caught, the whole family started lying to cover it up and protect her and it was just weird. She didn't prioritize her brother that day and we had issues with her but dragging the family in to protect her and make them liars? Ehhh...and her behavior leading up to her wedding was questionable. But I'm glad she had a nice a wedding and got to do things the way she wanted to. I think Joe and I were happiest to spend some time with his mother who probably was the most open with me ever and just really energetic which was nice. The whole trip ruined our sleep cycle from the start. We didn't get any time to do anything like explore but I've decided that west florida is possibly more boring than South Jersey. And they drive faster than we do in LA! That was crazy. Oh, and I'm the best shopper ever. But we knew that.
I didn't get to workout once on the trip. But today I did step moves while traffic was "clearing" due to another LAPD funeral. That was fun (the workout, not the traffic or the funeral). But my right hip flexor is killing me. I think I "charlie horsed" it in the middle of the whole flying back home nonsense. Oh, I was frisked (read racially profiled) TWICE in Atlanta. I do not have kind things to say about Delta.
Ok, so I didn't get to read everything that happened in the threads while I was out dealing with the wedding but I did want to thank Beth for pointing to the totalfitnessdvds sale. I picked up two Ellen Barrett DVDs. debated about getting a Cathe one (specifically Drill Max or Cardio fusion) but wanted some sculpting stuff I could do. And clowns freak the sh*t out of me too. Benadryl is the only thing that can protect me from the hives in India and it's literally me fighting it so I don't look like I OD'ed. It's one of the few drugs that actually can make me drowsy.
I wonder how much it would cost to get my hair highlighted...I like my black though. My sister did the coloring and highlights and it looked ok but my bigger fear is the treatment to my hair. My hair is blacker than most dyes so it's hard to work with in coloring area...I'm lucky if I get my haircut for $50. I'm usually shilling out $70-100 here (one good hair cut is worth more than 2 sh*tty ones).
Oh and Evee missed us! Our friends did fine for the most part with her. She was sad a lot because we weren't around and they didn't call the dog walker for her to get her exercise. But I'm thrilled with them because she did have a poop accident on the first night while her tummy was still getting adjusted. Oh but when I was home she attacked me with love to the point that Joe was jealous. just wouldn't leave my side. Jumped on me so hard that she broke some skin on my arm too!
Ok, that was a decent update, right? I'm sorry I didn't give more personalized messages but tomorrow hopefully i'll be back in full swing.
One more hour before I bolt!