April 10 Check in Thursday 22nd**********


Good morning ladies....

Luckily, not too many DOMS from yesterday. I feel the muscles. BUt, not too bad. Today is Cardio Core Circuit. Haven't done that one in a while. I remember it is a tough one..

Today is our library day and Lauren has Girls club....

Be back later...
Hey Kathy!

Hi everyone!

today is a weird workout for me. I'm trying to fanagle something similiar. But not sure. First part I can do, CTX all upper body. And then part 2 is supposed to be Body Fusion, which is on the Basic Step workout, which I don't have. It looks like it's an easier circuit. But I may just end up doing cardio of some sort.

After that, busy day. Our shopping day! Have to take Jake for shoes for his 1st Communion and then I promised the boys I'd take them to the bookstore. Plus laundry, cleaning, etc etc.

Wanna hear something weird? After all that leg work I did yesterday, I have only mild DOMS. WTH? I think I may have to shock the lower body and do Plyo Legs tomorrow instead of Legs & Glutes (again!).

Good morning! Interesting about the lack of bad doms for both of you! Chris, I was thinking about all those walking lunges you've been adding on -- your butt has to be shrinking!! :)

I did the original tonique this morning. Joanne, I know 2.1 (what you did yesterday) is supposed to be the easiest one, but didn't you think there were some tough moments?! I don't know if it's because I haven't done any tonique in a number of days or what, I but I have to say it did seem easier this morning! The one thing that bugs me is when she is doing squats and raising her arms sort of like a shoulder press, it's backwards! She's pressing up when her legs are bent, instead of vice versa. I do it the "right" way -- I'm afraid for my back her way. Anyway, the legs are rubbery and I'm feeling good!

Chris, good luck with the shopping -- the boys have their annual piano recital this weekend and I feel like I may have to buy them some shoes -- I'm hoping I have clothes. I really mostly don't feel like sweating it this year, because it's not like we have any weddings coming up or anything. No other opportunities to wear clothes like that!

Speaking of weddings..... Hottie, it sounds like you're leaving for Florida, or have you left? The wedding's this weekend? Hope you guys have a good time! Killer flight for the weekend, I have to say.....

Have a great day! It's almost Friday! (sorry, Chris).
Hi all!

Hottie, not sure if you are checking in today or are leaving soon, but have a great time! At least Evee will have more people around and won't be alone too much. Hope she is all better when you get back!

Beth, oh, I didn't think Tonique 2.1 was easy, just easier in comparison to the others! I can actually do it all without really taking a break. Way to go on the original! What??? Size 2??? You rock! I don't think I was a size 2 when I was born! ;) The lowest I've ever gone is a six 6 for a brief moment. I don't even do all the arm movements with the first Tonique. I'll start out doing them, but usually drop the weights or just do the leg stuff towards the end. I'll be doing that one tomorrow. I hate buying dress clothes for the kids. They wear them so rarely. It's the worst feeling, though, when you have to be somewhere dressed up, you're walking out the door and realize the kids' dress shoes don't fit them anymore. Been there!

Chris, CTX all upper is tough! Isn't Body Fusion weights and cardio? Weird combination with CTX. I don't have that one either. Maybe your legs are getting used to all that work. It's weird how we want to hurt, isn't it? ;)

Kathy, have fun with CCC, if that's possible!

Well, Jameson won 2nd place in humorous duet in his declamation contest last night. They did the spartan cheerleaders routine from SNL. It really was funny. They did a great job. Although there was a glitch at the end. They had music to play and the CD player wouldn't work. Both Jameson and his partner just froze for the longest 15 seconds!! I felt so bad, but they played it off and did it without the music. Most people thought it was part of the skit. His school won 2nd place overall out of 12 schools. It was fun night, but a long one. We didn't get home till 9:00. Tonight is a soccer game and Friday night is the spelling bee.

Oh, my workout! I did STS disc 2, back and triceps. I like all the variety and switching between back and triceps, so the 56 minutes went pretty fast. ;) Then I did part of STS abs - no equipment. I'm thinking about running during lunch, but I don't want to aggravate my leg. We'll see.

Hey guys! I'm in my hotel now. (both of us specifically wanted a place with high speed wireless.) OMG, what a nightmare of flights. We didn't get a wink on either stage of it. First leg of the connection there was a medical emergency like thing so the lights on the whole time...so never got sleep considering we flew out at 1250a. And then when we connected in Minneapolis, there were some cackling ladies who would not shut up for the three hours. Oh and if I ever have to hear about Justin Bieber again...(two pre-tweens behind me) So no sleep. But once we got off the plane it's been a breeze. I managed to get a good rental deal ($13/day before taxes!) from Budget that's actually IN the terminal. It took less 5 minutes to get everything taken care of...we're now in a black chevy aveo. Not nearly as agile as our mazda3, but hey, its doing 70-80 with no problem (and florida drivers are faster than LA drivers!?!?!). The wedding is on Saturday so hopefully by then the grump will be gone. Joanne, you probably know of Steak N' Shake? Well, Joe used to work at one of the locations as a kid and is uberexcited that there's one down the street from our hotel so I think we're going to go get a bite to eat (just to give you some reference Joanne -- when we drove cross country, we had to stop at every steak n shake on the way...even the two that are on opposite sides of each other of the mississippi).

Ohhh....i hope I can post more and burn calories through you gals!
Hey, Hottie! Wow, you got some great deals there on the car and the hotel. Cackling ladies and tween girls do not make for a relaxing flight! Hopefully you can chill now and have some fun. Or take a nap! OMG - my kids love, love Steak n' Shake. We always stop when we are traveling. We have one about 45 minutes from our house, but it's not really convenient to get there. The kids always get those silly hats. Love the shakes, but I'm not crazy about the food.

I did go to the gym here at work and did an itread sprint - 30 minutes. My thigh/butt was hurting a bit, but not as much as last time I ran. We'll see how it feels later. The run felt great, though!
Hottie, I hope it's a great time!!

Joanne, no, I know 2.1 is not EASY! I was surprised by people calling it the easiest, really, just because I found parts of it really hard, but I guess overall maybe it is easiest, but I'm not even sure -- it's pretty close! And I did notice I burned more calories with 2.1 than the original, fwtw.

And, I am NOT a size 2 -- no way! I'm a 6, but there was something really funky with those pants -- why do you think they were only $14? But, they actually looked pretty good on.

So cool about the show last night! Sounds like a really fun night, but was Caitlyn there? I can imagine it might have been hard for her to sit through!

Just saw that you did your run -- you are crazy! It's funny that you had the same reaction (both before and after) to disc 2 as I did! It did sort of fly by!

I want lunch!
Beth, interesting that 2.1 burns more than the original. How much do you burn doing the Toniques? Caitlyn was with us last night, she actually really enjoyed it. We were in the room where only the humorous duets performed, they were all pretty good. If we were in one of the other rooms that were more serious categories, I'm sure she would have gotten restless. The 45-minute wait in the gym for the results was the hardest part, but they had snacks, so that entertained her! I wish it was lunchtime here. Yeah, it already passed for me and I ate, but I'm hungry!!
Joanne, they call clock in around 500 calories, but Tonique 2 (both workouts) are slightly more than 500 and the original is slightly less. I guess it's close enough though that it's not hugely different. I think there's just slightly more cardio effect in the second set.

I'm just back from lunch, and stuffed for the moment.... :)

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