Apple pie 911


Hi everyone,
I've been trying to bake a good-looking apple pie. My apple pie tasts good but has a big gap between the top crust and apples inside... Some cooking site suggested to precook these apples partialy before putting inside the pie crust but do you know any other tricks?
When I roll out the top crust, I use cookie cutters to cut holes in it. You could use small cookie cutters that represent the season or a large one. If you use the large one, center the cut out on the pie. Then take the left over "cookie" and place it offset over the cut out so there's a gap (looks like a shadow effect.)

This hole (or holes) let all the steam out so that the crust doesn't rise too high.

I always stew my apples with a little sugar before putting them in the pastry. Always. Then I load up the pie with as much fruit as poss. I usually make apple and blackberry.

After sealing the pastry lid, I use a knife to stab down into the pastry lid and create air holes.

I never have space between the fruit and the pie lid.

Clare, I love your terminology. No gentle "making slits in the pastry lid" for you. Nope. STABBING. I love the mental image that conjures!:)

you are right! I hadn't realized the effect of my word choice. I'm just like that: an all or nothing type person with extreme reactions. My therapist says it is one of my greatest flaws!

It's not that I go around my kitchen taking out my frustrations on my cooking. REALLY!!!!!!!!

Clare :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
I remember my grandmother making pies. She'd put the apples in level to the top of the pie pan. Then she'd add more apples! She'd have those babies heaped up like a mountain! She'd pick up the pan about 3 inches and drop it on the counter. What stayed in the pie got covered with crust and baked. She said you had to heap them up so that when the pie settled in the oven, you'd still have pie left.

To this day I've never baked a pie. Go figure!
Tammy's Grandma did it right !!!!! I'm a Baker/Pastry Chef !!! And you need to Pile it High with those Apples !!!! Mile High Apple Pie :) :) .Oh I miss my job !!!! Stay at home mom right now !!! Back to work soon though .20 years of it and miss it terribly ,Oh gees now I'm rambling :) :)

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