Anyone wear Ryka Circuit XT?


I'm looking for a Ryka shoe with good cushioning. Does the Circuit have it?

For a gauge, I found the Enlights to have great cushioning, but they were a little wide. I found the Rhythms to fit better. I tried the Affirms, and they were too wide and had too little cushion.

Any feedback?
I have not tried the Ryka Circuits, but have had good luck with the Ryka N-gage Studio shoe. I got the last pair from Sierra Trading Post for about $42. I feel these are cushioned and seem to fit my foot well...HTH
Hi, I wear the Circuit XTs as well, the cushioning is good, I am going to wear them on the CROP walk next month (6 miles)! They also are not as wide as my Enlight IIs. HTH!:) Sandy
Thanks for these replies! Just what I hoped to hear -- cushiony and not as wide as the Enlights. The Circuits were half price at online shoes, and I ordered a pair.

I do have the N-Gage as well, and I like them for when I want to wear higher ankle shoes -- especially for hi/lo. I am hard on shoes and I have different criteria for different kinds of workouts, so I keep several pair around for various different kinds of things.

Thanks again.

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