Anyone want a good laugh?


Alleluia - My 5 tapes arrived yesterday!!! MIC, MIS, PowerMax, StepJam, and StepFit...Now if I can just get the UPS man to come back!!

I waited patiently all day for the delivery truck, so of course I was loading the washing machine when he pulled in...took me about 7 seconds to get my hands out of the WM and get to the front door. (Oh, and my dogs are in the house with me - two boxers.) Neither one likes the sounds made by those vans UPS drives, and by the time I got to the doorway, Bugsy is jumping in the air, bouncing off the door and generally causing a very loud ruckus. (It's his job - he has been protection trained.)
I call him off, open the door to go outside...and see the backs of my UPS deliveryman's legs running back into his van!!!
I am not saying that these guys have an easy job, you never know when or where you might encounter a vicious dog - but this guy was fast!!! I give him 10 seconds total for the delivery..I yelled "Thank You" from the porch, he hollered back, You're Welcome and got the heck out of my driveway! I just hope he will come back next time I order more videos!

P.S. I'm still recovering from MIC - I watched it first, rewound it and pushed play. OW OW OW!!
That is so funny,

I have 1 boxer(Molly) and she does the same thing(making a ruckus), anybody who comes to my door is immediately afraid of her,except MY UPS man! She is the BIGGEST baby I have ever seen! She barks like she going to rip your head off but her whole butt is wagging back and forth from the excitement of a visitor. The most she will do is kiss you to death! Obvisously, she is NOT protection trained. I love her anyway, boxers are great dogs. My UPS man loves her to death, too and keeps saying he's going to take Molly with him because she matches his uniform(she's Brendal)! You grew up alot like I did, sports and dance. What kind of dance did you do? I took tap, jazz, and ballet for 11 years. Anyway, thanks for the laugh, I know the feeling well

I hope you don't take offense, but the color is called "Brindle"
Keep Us Updated Tricia

Hi Tricia!
Please tell us what you think of your new videos.
I'm interested to hear how you like them.
mail time

Hi Tricia--
Very funny story, and I'm envious of you because I have six tapes coming too, and I'm so ANXIOUSLY awaiting them! How long did it take for yours to arrive after you ordered them? I'm in Arizona so I know they'll take longer than if I were still on the East coast. I've tried the UPS tracking thing several times since I ordered them on Saturday, but it always says "unable to locate this reference number" . Arghh!! I'm so frustrated, you lucky girl!
Thanks, Wendy
Thanks Tricia & Aimee!

Tricia~~I just came in from traveling to & from Michigan for the weekend for a Fitness workshop and I am DOG-TIRED!!! I needed a good laugh and you delivered. Then I go on to read Aimee's & had another good laugh. Thanks, it's fun to hear the excitement over your new tapes and I sure hope your UPS men come back with your new Cathe's!!

I have a boxer too!!!

Mine is all white so every body thinks she's a pit bull!! She is such a big baby too!! She barks and then runs! I guess it IS a good thing people think she's a pit bull and they usually run first.


Debbie, I'm glad you got a good laugh
! Sounds like you needed it! So, what kind of workshop did you go too? One day I'll post a pic of Molly(she gets her upper lip caught under one of her bottom teeth and it's the funniest sight!)sleeping with the kids. Anyway, hope you're recurperating after your repeated road trips
! Tammy, what's your boxer's name? Does her whole backside wag too? People think Molly's pit also. She wouldn't hurt a flea, if it bit her on the butt
Hi Again Aimee!

I teach Hi/Lo aerobics and light toning, so I attend 3 workshops/year to learn our new routines and to get our materials. Our workshop is in Michigan (I live in Ohio about 4 hours away) so, 4 of us gals went up the night before, got a motel room and went out for a nice dinner. We then got up EARLY this morning, went to workshop til mid afternoon and practiced learning our new rotuintes & then made the 4 hour drive home. Whew! (I REALLY appreciate all of Cathe's hard work now!!) We had a fun time but I was so tired and I was just sitting here catching up on everyone's post from the weekend and your's & Tricia's struck me so funny, that I EVEN called my hubby in & TRIED to read them to him but I was laughing too hard. Not sure everyone else that has read them thought they were as funny because I was tired. Oh boy, am I EVER rambling! Sorry!! Can't wait to see a pic of Molly. Give her a pat on her lil' Butt!!

Thanks Debbie!!

Wow, are you with AFAA, ACE, NEDITA....what? Do they cost alot? I'm with AFAA and they send me something every month about upcoming certs. and workshops. If you're with AFAA maybe I'll see you at one one day! Let me know,oh and BTW, Molly got her pat
boxer question


I was just wondering if white is an easily found Boxer color. They are one of my favorite dogs and when my 11-year-old Rottie goes to doggy heaven (she's my first big baby, before my hubby and son), it's a breed that I would definitely consider. Also, are they good with kids, if you know?

White Boxers

Believe it or not, White boxers are frowned on by the AKC and cannot be registered. I've heard several reasons, the most prevalent being that a white boxer indicates that somewhere in the line, the dogs are too closely related. I think this is total hogwash if you ask me, a boxer is a boxer is a boxer...Some breeders will kill these puppies before buyers can see them, because they are afraid none of the other puppies in the litter will sell. (This is more in the north. Now that I live in SC, white Boxer pups sell for MORE MONEY HERE!) Isn't it rediculous? They are wonderful dogs, especially with children. I think the most important tip when having dogs around children is to socialize the dog as a puppy with children. My boy Bugsy is great, but he hasn't been around kids enough to know how they act.
Sorry to go on so long, but as you can probably tell, I love my BOXERS!
LOVE my new tapes!

So far, I've done Maximum Intensity Cardio (THURS), and Maximum Intensity Strength (FRI). These two are definitely worth their weight in gold! (I helped my husband over the week-end so no time for a workout.) I plan to tackle the choreography in POWERMAX today -I'm so excited!!!
I did a marathon previewing of my tapes and I had such a hard time picking one, they are all so fun looking! (Remember that rhyme from when we were little, "My mother punched your mother right in the nose, what color was the blood?") That's how I decided...I hope someone out there has heard this before or I will seem like a voilence-prone individual - I'm not, Honest!
2 days!!

I ordered my tapes on the 8th, I received them on the 10th!! (I do live in SC, so it's not quite as far!) How's that for service!!! You might want to call Step N'Motion to verify your order, that way you can get a tracking number. (Or maybe you've received them by now, so you won't need to!)
it's been 9 days!!!

and still no tapes! You're right--I think I'll call them and see what's up

Thanks, Wendy
Hi Aimee!

I just re-read your post and realized there was a question in there!! I never got to take formal dance lessons (sadly), but I was pretty good at picking up steps by watching someone. (This comes in very handy using Cathe's tapes, doesn't it?!) I was in the Marching Band in high school : Tri-Captain on the dance squad. We were a dance squad using pom-poms mainly, but we did hat routines, canes, capes (very cool), etc. It was funny, when I did MIC all I could think of when Cathe was doing the kicks was that I used to do kicks endlessly and I could get through this part. I had a blast!! (Really takes you back, ya know?) I've actually been trying to find dance classes that I could take in my area - I think I would love Tap! (But I haven't found anything for Adults, its all very young girls!) Sorry to be so long winded - dancing is another passion of mine! I think it's neat that we have so much in common - dancing, boxers, Cathe, is good!
You can say that again!!

Life is good
! Thanks for answering. I know what you mean about being taken back. We did this dance to New York, New York and I love to do kicks also! Hey, if you think of anything else we might have in common, give me a post and ask. I love finding things in common with other people
Aimee, it's me again!

Hey there, I just read your info (I'm still figuring out how to work this forum). I grew up in Pennsylvania near Slippery Rock (1 hour north of Pittsburgh). So we kind of grew up in the same area. We are also the same age, now did you say one of your goals is to lose your 3 baby belly? As in I have three children!! Wow girl, you do work hard, don't you? My hats off to you! I just have my two boxers, and they keep me busy...This was vet week (Levi on Monday, Bugsy on Tuesday). I cannot take them at the same time by myself anymore!! They both are doing great, by the way.
Well,Ta-Ta for now!!(TTFN)

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