anyone tried Seroctin?


It sounds like a miracle pill for raising serotonin levels.

If anyone knows about it and would like to share info, I'd be grateful.

I never heard about it, but I became interested in it when I read your message so I searched the internet. Here is an thread about it:

Here it is marketed for sleep apnoea and there are some critical responses in this forum (scroll down the thread). As it appears, you can only get it through Multi Level Marketing and that makes me a bit suspicious (

Also there is very little research done and it has not been documented properly.

I just thought I let you know about this information.

Take care!

No, and I never would. Miracle pills are never miracles. They are promises that fail to deliver and often deliver negatively upon your health when all the medical research is finally in. There's no replacing getting enough sleep, exercising, eating well, and getting outside to have daylight on your skin everyday to boost serotonin levels. If yours are down drastically, medically proven antidepressants may be the way to go, with doctor's supervision. Otherwise, try to avoid over the counter miracle pills. Too little is known about these concoctions. Please don't tamper with your hard earned healthy body, please? Brain chemistry is an incredibly delicate thing: we who know nothing about it must not go messing around with it. To do so could seriosuly screw up some other part of the body's chemical processes and functioning. Please promise me you will give these pills a wide berth until more research is in?


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