Anyone supplement cathe with gym??


Hey everyone!

Just curious - Anyone else go to the gym?

If so how do you find enough days in the week to fit in cathe, rest, and the gym??

Would LOVE to hear your ideas.

Do you use the gym for cardio - weights (upper/lower) or mix it up?

After a month or so I think I finally have a good rotaion

gym 3 days - lifting upper body
gym (or home) - lifting lower body
cardio 4 days - cathe tapes (or running)
rest - 1 day
(some days i double so I can get in that all important rest day).
I go to the gym when I'm bored with all my tapes, especially cardio and my treadmill and running outside. I usually use the elliptical at the gym for some different cardio.

I also go to the gym when I'm doing a heavy lifting rotation. I like to hit my legs with the squat rack, hack squats, leg press, lying leg curls, etc,...things I can't do at home with heavy weights.

Right now I'm in a fat burning mode. I'm running outside every morning up to an hour. Three times a week I do an endurance muscular workout...Power Hour, Circuit Max, and MIS this week. The other nights, I do more cardio with Cathe videos. This weekend, I'm going for some long runs with my husband. Plus, I'm on a clean eating program. I did this last summer, lost eight pounds and am proud to say that I've kept it off. Now, I'm just trying to shed some more bodyfat and create more muscle.

Have a great weekend...either at the gym or at home!
I teach two high-intensity water aerobics class per week at a gym, and I count those as workout sessions. I could use the facilities on my non-teaching days, but I don't.

I do all of my weight-lifting at home; battling for equipment and listening to everyone else grunt (or worse) is too much of a hassle.

I really like the balance between 3 land workouts (step, hi/lo and kickbox a la Cathe) and aqua - good cross-training!

Right now I go to the gym 3 days a week: Total body on Monday and Friday and just legs on Wednesday. I just needed a change from just videos and I wanted to go really heavy. At some point (if I continue the gym membership) I will probably do upper on Monday, lower on Wednesday at the gym and then do a total body with a video on Friday just to change it up! It is hard to fit everything in that you want to do but that encourages change and crosstraining. Good Luck!
I usually go to the gym for 2 cardio classes a week (kickboxing and spinning) and I use the weight machines (only if I'm not doing a Cathe strength rotation). I never use the cardio machines because I get bored.

At home, I do 1 or 2 cardio tapes. I have to make sure I don't do them too much or else I get bored and won't do tapes at all! So I keep things fresh by mixing it up.

Also, we just got a nice elliptical trainer, which is great. I do that once or twice a week. It's nice to watch a 30-min sitcom AND get a good workout in when you'd otherwise be too tired to get to the gym or do a tape.

So I say mix it up! It prevents boredom and gives you more challenges!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-02 AT 03:05PM (Est)[/font][p]I supplement with the gym so I can use different equipment and hit my muscles a little differently with some of the machines. I also use it so I can lift heavier on a few things, like squats. I'd love to get a squat rack at home.

I usually do this in lieu of a Cathe strength tape.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-02 AT 04:29PM (Est)[/font][p]I go to the gym more when I'm lifting really, really heavy (i.e. 4 sets at 6 reps) and want to use the machines and cables, or training for something specific (i.e. spinning classes, swimming, and treadmill for triathlon; elliptical hill trainer for snowshoeing).

So when I'm doing weights at the gym, I tend to do more cardio videos at home. When I'm doing more endurance oriented workouts, I tend to do cardio at the gym or outside, and MIS, Power Hour, CTX, etc. weights at home.

The other variation is that I'll do some body parts at the gym, and some at home. It's hard to hit all of the back muscles with free weights--I really like the assisted pull-up machine and the cable cage at the gym. Gretchen
Hey guys.. good to hear from everyone...

Great to hear how we all have incorporated in what works for us!

Gretchen - Hmmm good points about using the machines more - I've tended to do more with heavier free weights - I love LL, and legs in S&H so I've been doing that at home but should look into doing some lower body at the gym

Kelly - I'm with you the gym is great for going heavy.

Annette - I must be weird but I kinda like having folks around in the free weight area... ok not when I have to wait for weights or a bench... funny I do find I work harder (at least on lifting) with folks around...

Amy - Your goals sounds similar to mine - how are you doing - with the fat burning at muscle gain - I know folks have said too much cardio hampers muscle burning...

Glad to know there are a bunch of mixing it up with the gym too!

Have a great day everyone
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-02 AT 11:26AM (Est)[/font][p]Robyn,
Yes, too much cardio can burn muscle, BUT in my case, I find it very, very, mucho, extremely (get the point?) hard to burn fat, especially around my middle. Hence, the extra cardio, which works for me, not for everyone. I have muscle, I just need to burn off that little layer of fat to get to it. My arms are already starting to show more muscle. My legs always look pretty good. They seem to show muscle the best. Through the winter I did the slow and heavy series alot, mixed in with pure strength. Now I'm trying to get the fat off and show how much muscle I've gained. I'm definately stronger.

I'm eating very clean...except Sundays when I eat what I want. My diet doesn't allow sugar, any flour, milk, salt, fruit, throughout the week. The rotation is only for four weeks. Then you add back in healthy versions of the forementioned, i.e. whole wheat, skim milk, low-fat yogurt, fruit, etc. It works for me. I lost eight pounds last summer and have kept it off. Now my goal is to get more muscle definition and increase endurance.

Well, must go get those peanut butter and jelly muffins out of the oven...tomorrow IS Sunday, you know!

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