Anyone program a circuit workout?


I know this should be in vid Q&C, but thought more might see it here. I did CircuitMax yesterday and want to do another circuit workout tomorrow. I was thinking of programming my own with my Cathe DVDs. Any ideas?

I'm thinking IMax and SNI would work best for the cardio sections since they are shorter.

I love Power Hour upper body.

I'm trying to keep it under an hour.

Anyone ever done this?

I've done my own Cathe circuit mish-mosh for several months as a "supplement" to Circuit Max:

Rhythmic Step (10 minutes) or I-Max (13 minutes) warm-up
Body Max step circuit segment (20 minutes; 5 aerobic/resistance circuits, legs only)
CTX Power Circuit circuit segment (20 minutes; 6 aerobic / resistance circuits, legs only; 3 step cycles; 3 step-kickbox cycles)

That's between 50 and 53 minutes not including cooldown (I usually jump right to abs after the end of the Power Circuit segment).

I really enjoy this little mish-mosh! Hope you do too!

Annette Q. Aquajock
I knew it!

You ARE Cathe's second cousin and also grew up in the PlyoGalaxy. I had suspicions, but this proves it! That is one tough combo. I will try it...someday.

Actually I LOVE the circuits from PC and BMax. I want to get in upper body tomorrow too. I have devised a 59 min. workout that includes IMax (5 intervals), PH upper (only the first one or two exercises of each body part), PH abs, S&H lower body (one set of squats and lunges), and IMax stretch. I can program it, but will have to hit next after each PH body part. We'll see how it goes. It may just be too much of a pain to do again.

RE: I knew it!

Hey, Andrea! That sounds like a cool mish-mosh you've come up with yourself! That's one of the things I love about Cathe's line of workouts: you can do your own mixing and matching and still get your own high-intensity workout.

In fact, I come from the outer edge of the Plyo Galaxy, from a little ocean moon called Poolfilter. My people are amphibious.

Annette Q. Aquajock

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