Anyone in the Charleston, SC area?


My husband and I are considering a move to the Charleston SC area. Anyone out there who has any feedback on what it's like to live and work there? We currently live on Long Island and I work in Manhattan. We have had a very tough year - emotionally and stepped back and took a good look at our "quality of life". We are looking to get out of New York - Great place to visit and tremendous opportunities, but we are smaller town people and are looking for a bit of a slower pace. These 14 hour days are killin' me! I'd LOVE to live somewhere where I could actually spend time enjoying my life together with my husband outside of work...

Thanks for any feedback!

Hi there. Thanks for your quick reply! I'd LOVE any advice on the areas surrounding Charleston - I've been looking on-line but don't know the true "scoop". I guess my main questions are: Is Summerville a good area to live in? Could I commute into Charleston if necessary? What is the job market like and what areas should I be looking at. We would like to purchase a house.

Thanks for any help!
Kathleen (feel free to e-me direct at: [email protected])

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