Anyone here doing Slim Series...


Hi guys!

Just curious whether anyone is doing the Slim Series. I started this the other day. It is just so different than what I usually do - Cathe, Firms. I'm wondering if this high rep, lighter weight is gonna cut it? I am determined to try it for 4 weeks. So far the cardio is minimal though my heart rate is up there. And I am just so used to my heavy weights!

Anyone have results to share??? Any thoughts???


It's a series by Debbie Siebers(sp?) from
It's a light weight/high rep series that keeps your HR elevated throughout most of it. Each video (6, I think) is about an hour long. 2 of them are @ 78 min.

Now, I can do all of IMAX (with mods for the pylo jacks) and IMAX 2 and have been increasing my weights with my Cathe strength tapes. But this series just hits me in a different way. Due to the high reps, my muscles are getting fried and my HR stays >130's through a good chunk of it. And, there is a lot of floor work for the legs. I feel like a wimp while doing it!

This is my fourth day and though I haven't been ouch sore, I have been tender in my thighs and waist.

I'm going to do it for 4 weeks and see what happens. I figure either way, working out 55 - 78 min per day is going to do something. If only I could clean up my diet more.....

Anyone else???

I'm doing the SS. I'm starting week 4. I don't weigh or measure, but I'll tell you that after the first 2 weeks, my pants were significantly looser!!!! :7 :7 I really cleaned up my eating and I really focused during the workouts.

I'm enjoying them. They are a nice change of pace and the instructor, Debbie Siebers, is a doll. :+

Cathy, I can't believe you don't get sore. I'm always sore somewhere and after Firm It Up.....OOOOOHHHHH, my inner thighs!
I've just started the Slim Series as well.

So far I have done Tear it Up and Shape It Up and really, really like the way the videos are formatted. As you mentioned the videos use low weights w/ high reps. It's very different - but good. A lot of the exercises are different from what I am use to doing. So, I don't have the boredom I usually get with other videos doing lunges over and over and over again.

I did Shape it Up yesterday and already I can feel my abs and quadriceps are sore. (yeah!) I am sure that there will be more muscles to add to the list later on today...
I did two weeks of it, then missed my heavy weights so much I started adding in some Cathe tapes, and then cycled out of SS. After the first week, I noticed that I was getting a bit leaner all over. One of my theories is that your muscles never have time to relax, so they stay in a "semi-taut" state from one workout to the next.

It feels like it should really work the butt well, but I think PLB works better for me in that area.

I found the first 20 minutes to go buy a bit slowly, but once you pass that mark, it seems like time just flies!

These are definitely something that I'll keep in my rotations (once I get done with a "virgin/dust-bunny" challenge for the month of May). I think they'd be an excellent combo with some of Cathe's heavy-weight workouts (making sure to leave a "non-weighted workout" day both before and after the Cathe workout: maybe a SS workout on Monday, cardio on Tuesday, MIS on Wednesday, Thursday off, SS on Friday, and something else on Saturday and Sunday.

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