Anyone had dvd problems w. KPC?


Has anyone had to return their KPC dvd? I'm disappointed. I ordered KPC from an on-line fitness retailer. The dvd had problems with pausing at several sections of the workout. I wiped it clean, to no avail.

So I sent it back and quickly got a replacement....with the same exact problem. Sticking in the same chapters. I thought maybe it's my dvd player so I bought a lens cleaner. That helped only a little. Someone suggested playing it on a different machine. So I tried it out on my laptop. I skipped to the section that was sticking and you guessed it. The problem's even worse! To the point I can't use it for fear of damaging the laptop's dvd player.

The odd thing is that both dvd players and video stick/pause in the same places. It doesn't happen in the L&G portion of the video. This leads me to believe that it's a problem with the dvd itself

I really liked the few times I was able to do this video as it's non-step, and Cathe doesn't seem to have much of those.


Mary Beth Burns

I haven't had any problems with KPC (maybe b/c I don't own it yet!), but it's funny you mention it, because my CTX dvd does the same thing. I had to return my first set of discs because sometimes they wouldn't play and sometimes they would. When I put them in other machines, the same thing would happen. So I cleaned my machine anyway, and that didn't work either-they still would only play sometimes. replaced them with no questions asked, which I feel is very reputable. Now my second set is acting funny. Not like the first mind you, but there are times when they won't play also (maybe 1 out of 50.) I thought it was just me, but apparently some of the discs have weird, unexplainable issues with them.
Just wanted to let you know you're not alone.x(
Collage Video? I had to get 3 KPC's from them before one worked. I actually ended up getting a new DVD player because the one I had just had a problem with that DVD--all my others worked fine. Collage also went me 2 3.00 coupons for future orders (which will be Imax 2 and Cardio & Weights and Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance).

Have you tried the DVD on another player? Maybe KPC just irritates some players.:) I was able to get a refurbished DVD player for 50.00 and KPC works just fine in that one.
I just got KPC to day (from CK Sales) and it's got a defect that makes it freeze up totally right after the warm up. The Intermediate and High drill chapters are both messed up. The only bit that works is if I do Premix #2 (WU, combos, abs, stretch.) Legs & Glutes seems just fine. I've e-mailed CK sales to get it replaced. I too tried it in several different DVD players, and both of my computers - same problem on all, even after cleaning, so I'm positive that it's a faulty DVD. Really bugs! I hope I get my replacement soon.
I've had that happen with several Cathe DVDs. I spray a little Pledge on the bottom of the DVD, and wipe it with a soft cloth. This always seems to do the trick. I believe it was recommended on this site some time ago? But, maybe you already tried this. If that's the case, I have no clue what to do.
Your posts confirm my suspicions that it's something to do with the DVD itself. I've played in on two different machines, same issue. Like another poster said, it happens in the chapter after the warm up and those drills.

I'm going to have to send it back. I really like KPC because I prefer floor cardio over step. But I'm a bit hesitant to order a replacement that winds up just like the other 2.

I guess there are worse problems to be have.
I have KPC and have had it for probably 4 months and have never had a problem with it. It works perfectly. I bought it from Collage video. I know one of my Cathe's was acting goofy a couple of times - like freezing for a second or two but then it was okay. I can't remember which one.
Anyway, I have 2 DVD players -one newer and the other one is a dvd/vhs combo which doesn't have as many features on it. I use the newer one to workout with because I can do way more with it. Well, KPC plays fine on both of them. maybe you got a bad batch. hope you get it resolved. good luck.

Where do you spray the Pledge? The side with the title and pictures on it or the other side? I'd be nervous this would ruin the DVD completely.

I've had similar problems with one of my Cathe DVDs- Cardio and Weights. I ordered it from Collage Video and this is my third copy. Imax 2 plays fine, but Cardio and Weights always gets stuck in the same place- the bicep heavy weight section, and then the third cardio section. Sometimes it also gets stuck in the final core/ab section. It's very frustrating because I love this workout, but having to start and stop it and skip sections doesn't get me a good workout. I have tried it on another player and had the same problem. I still need to go out and get a DVD player cleaning disc. I will try that next, if I can ever remember to buy one when I am the store!

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