Anyone golf?


We had a few days this week over 50 degrees & now I have the fever! Spring can't get here fast enough...........:eek:
I golf...badly. The most frustrating part of it is that the harder you try to so well, the worse you do. Beer helps. }(

sorry of your fever. Where do you live?

I love golf-it's very good for the concentration-and my concetration really needs golf. Also I am very competitive and I like playing match with others-it's so nice feeling,because I always want to be winner. }(

But the best thing is that I could try my improvement after doing strenght workouts and also Yoga and Pilates. My "swing" is much more better than 4 years ago. And don't want to speak about the distance.

The bad thing is I don't practice golf since 1,5 year ago due to my studies and my job. And also due to my DH-it's not possible to play golf with my husband-we always finished VERY hungry.

Marketa Preisler
LOL Marketa, golf is the only thing the ex hubby & I could do together w/o fighting. It did not however have quite that romantic of an effect on us. x(

I'm in NJ. I have a good 2 months or so before I can hit the links. I can see how yoga & such would help--part of my problem is I'm so tight from the heavy lifting so my back isn't loose enough to totally relax. But I'm pretty decent at it & it's tons of fun--as long as you don't take it too seriously! Like Gayle said, the better you get the more frustrating it gets b/c your expectations increase.

I rarely keep score when I play--it's usually just for fun. But I do great in tourneys--those ladies tees can be the advantage that makes or breaks a team LOL.
Banned from the golf course. My husband won't take me anymore. He says he's embarrassed when I throw the ball...but I can throw it farther than I can hit it! Don't hate me but I came to the conclusion that golf is definitely a man's game - they're used to wandering around looking for things - I'm not used to that. I'm supposed to know where things are.:p I'm glad you enjoy it.

I enjoy it, but only if the people I'm playing with are out for fun, not out to win. I am not very good, but also not completely terrible! I only played one time last year and found that I was no worse or no better than the last time I had played in 2003. That made me feel a little better and makes me want to take some lessons this spring and try to improve a little.
I used to golf quite a bit but haven't in years. I should take it up again but I just don't have time for everything I want to do!

I 'try' to golf and greatly enjoy it.
AKA "Likes2bfit"

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