Anyone go running with their baby??


Hi All,
I just wondered how may of my fellow mum's go running with their baby? I did it for the first time today - only 2 miles and I alternated running with walking and I really enjoyed it! I kept thinking that running was out of the question now that I have my little boy (he's 7 months now), but I bundled him into his stroller and off we went! He actually fell asleep on the home straight, despite me huffing, puffing and wheezing along behind him :eek: .
I got my exercise and my little boy got some fresh air and interesting sights along the way!
Anyone else do this regularly?
I started running with my little guy when he was about 6 months (he's 8 months now). I was hesitant at first since I was afraid he'd be bounced around too much but once I strapped him in and we were off, he loved it and also fell asleep.
I try to get out on the weekends now with him so we can both get some fresh air.
Enjoy it!!

Can I ask what kind of stroller you guys use? I'm due with baby #2 in 10 weeks and have a 19 month old. I'm contemplating a double jog stroller and have been researching like crazy. Any advice?
I have a single jogging stroller and used it a lot when I just had one child. (Expecting #5 now, it does not get much use:p ). It was kind of expensive, but extremely sturdy and really did the job well. We only had one car at the time, so I also used it to run errands. It got a lot of use. The brand is slipping my mind right now due to "pregnant brain", but I can find out if you are interested. A friend of mine has the double version for her two little ones and has really enjoyed it.

I think mine is made by Graco? I can double check and get back to you.
I love it. It looks like he's riding in a charriot! It also handles the bumps pretty well.

Mine is also a Graco - it's not specifically a jogger stroller - just a conventional four-wheeler, but it is very lightweight and handles incredibly well and has great suspension. I think it was the City Plus? although I am not 100% sure of this.
Kaz x
I take my 14 month old son and our dog for 2-3 mile runs all the time. In my own little way I think of it as quality time with them. We have been doing this since he was 2 or 3 months old. In the past I always used my regular stroller, but last night my husband bought me a baby jogger for my birthday (I asked for one). Tonight I plan to use it for the first time. My son loves being outside so I bet he will enjoy this stroller since it will give him a little more room to move a little. My jogger is made by Instep and it has a 5 point harness to keep my little guy in place. My DH bought it at Target for $90. Sorry I can't give you any details about how it handles and if it makes the ride smooth for my son. I'll write back tomorrow and let you know what I think.
Here is my experience with my new jogger. It was a smooth ride for my little one and we even went over a few areas that had quite a bit of gravel on the road, new construction. However, it was hard to make relatively sharp curves on the side walk. I'm not sure if it is this brand or if they all do this, this is my first one. All-in-all, I am very pleased with my DH's purchase and it will fit my needs nicely. Have fun running with your little one.

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