Anyone from Miami?

Hi Deborah!
I'm not from there, but I went there on vacation 20 years ago and it was a blast! It is absolutely gorgeous!!! The beaches and the water are breathtaking. Are you going to make it down to Key West? I think that was the highlight of the whole vacation!}( We became part of the "local" scenery in a day or two.

Didn't mean to blabber on about myself. You probably had some specific questions you wanted to ask someone who actually lives there. My ex is from there. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you emailed him and found out some points of interest.;-) Are you planning on going to Disney World? That, too,was soo much fun!!!


I am from Miami.....

Been here since 1991...but I am no expert on can I help you???? :)


Blessings from our home to yours....
I grew up there, but moved up north in 1985 after graduating high school.

Hope you have fun!

Eat some Cuban food in Little Havana if you have the opportunity. It's nothing like Mexican or Spanish food. I love it. My father's family is from Key West, so I'm very familiar with it. I haven't spent much time in Miami, except the airport, so I can't help you with the city itself, but do try some Cuban food.
Deborah..what happened..I am from Miami but you have no...

Just wanted to know if you needed anything since you asked to hear from people living in Miami...I am here!;-)


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