Anyone ever try Hydroxycut?


Has anyone used Hydroxycut? I usually don't pay any attention to the ads in the fitness magazines, but I have been noticing them more and more. I am tempted to try Hydroxycut since it claims to be ephedra free. I have 10-14 pounds that will not come off though I eat pretty well (i.e. clean) and workout 6 times a week (weights and/or cardio) for an hour a day. I am frustrated and wondering if anyone has had success with any supplements.

I tried it for a while - really didn't do anything. I also tried Xeneradrine - didn't work either. I was stuck also. I asked my weight loss counselor for advice. She suggested I increase my calories since I am working out 5-6 days doing cardio & weights as well as yoga/pilates. Well, it worked. I dropped 5 pounds the first week! I increased my protein (use a Whey protein supplement and added Creatine) as well as complex carbs and of course unlimited vegetables, together with tons of water. Warm lemon tea (squeeze fresh lemons in hot water) got rid of the "bloat" that I sometimes feel in the mornings not to mention that you "go" all day (know what I mean) and gets rid of all the retention of water. Hope this helps!

Take care,


Iris - Thanks so much for sharing your results and counselor's suggestions. I've tried similar supplements with mixed results. It's great to hear the positive results you got from changing calories and protien. BTW-which protein supplement(s) do you use.
Iris has offered great advice. It's amazing what adding calories to your diet will do for you if you are working out regularly. Add 3 oz of skinless/boneless chicken breast or a protein shake. It will help you tremendously.

I, too, tried Hydroxycut, Xenadrine & even Stackers 2. Nothing! Nadda! Zilch! Just the shakes & sleepless nights. Stay away from them. If they were truly a good weightloss product the FDA would regulate them--in fact, the FDA is trying to ban these types of products.

Came back to add--there is some "theory" that says a portion (3 oz of chicken) will be about the size of your fist. That isn't the case for me. It is about 1/2 the size of my fist & I am only 5'6" and weigh 146 pounds (I am not big!). I've bought a scale--a great investment that is really paying off--to weigh everything for a few months. It has really helped me to get my portions under control.
I tried samples of Hydroxycut and similiar type products.

Once I took a couple, then went to dinner. I was exploding with rage and irritation, which is pretty unusual for me.

Made me feel like I wanted lash out at somebody. I hated the feeling.

Tried it several other times and it just made me sick. No way am I taking that. I'm sure that is not the solution.
Thanks for all your responses and great advice. I think you all have convinced me to save my money.

I have only recently started drinking protein shakes - maybe that will help me. And I have been thinking about increasing calories - but that seems like a scary thing to do when trying to lose weight. I think I will try that for at least a week and see if I get any (good) results.

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