Anyone ever own/do the Firm Cardio STEP MIX?


Just curious. I broke it out of its clamshell this morning and tried it for the first time on a 10-inch step. (I wanted to burn more calories.)

Has anyone ever done this one? I'm almost exclusively Cathe workouts now, but now and then I like this for nonstop cardio with some fun four-limb weights thrown in.

I have it and I love it, but then I'm an old Firm (meaning pre-GoodTimes) junkie so my opinion is a bit bias ... :)

Yes, I'm a pre-GT Firmie, too. This used to be one of my favorite firms because it was higher on cardio than many of their others. However, I rarely do it now that I've falled in love with Cathe.

Actually, I hardly do any of my Firms anymore. I put one in the other night, did the warm-up, took it out, and put in a Cathe workout.

I have kept a few of my Firms and I purchased the Transfirmer a while back. I will keep them for cross training or days I do not have a lot of energy, but I find it hard to be motivated by them. For me it's Cathe, TLT's, and now Tracey Staehle. Every now and then I throw in a Transfirmer, Sharon Mann or some other odd workout, but I just find it hard to be motivated by the Firm anymore. I'm glad you like it and I think it is important for everyone to have various workouts by different instructors that they can enjoy and cross train with. I will say, until recently, it was only Cathe for me, b/c I just couldn't find anything else I wanted to do regularly.
Hi, Anne

It's a compilation video the Firm put out consisting of strictly step (i.e. 8 to 10 inch step). I rarely do ANY of my Firm collection these days, but I did like the Transfirmer in the incline setup for lunges. I consider Cathe's workouts far more serious and challenging than the Firm, but I'm also tempted recently by the TLT collection (at least, a few of them).

I'm with you: The older Firms could definitely be tough. That's when they truly were "The Firm."

I have it, and while I haven't done it for a while, it's a keeper (as are many of the "middle period" Firms, IMO). I like that the moves are simple, so they can be done on a taller step, to work the muscles in a different way. Instead of speed and complex choreography and turns, I can concentrate on range of motion and strength. And I like the addition of weights for the 4-limbed stuff.

I wasn't sure what workout I was going to do today, but now I think I'm going to get this one out! I just wish it were on DVD (or is it?)
I have this one and I like it. It's lots of fun and not too difficult. UNLESS your doing the whole thing on a 10 inch step!
I ended up doing it yesterday. I also got out a Firm cardio mix, in case I didn't feel 'worked out' enough when I was done.

I used an 8" step to start, but after the first step segment, bumped it up to 10", and instead of grabbing weights for several segments, I wore 2# gloves throughout (after the first segment again). I also added some 'air' to some moves. I then took the step down to 6" for the final step segment with Tracie Long.

The stepping pace is slow compared to Cathe's, but in a way, I think it may be just as challenging, since there is less momentum used and you have to control the moves more. I definitely felt "worked out" when I was done no need for that second workout!). And the combo upper and lower body work both engages the core (to keep good posture) and burns more calories than I think it feels like (I notice the same thing with Jari Love's "Get Ripped to the Core").

I haven't done this one in a while, but I know my balance is better than when I did (no dowel for Nancy's lunge segment, and the lunge-onto-the-step-with-rear-leg-raise move was more stable for me than I remembered.

Funny, though, how they can sometimes miscue a workouts that has the easier choreography known to man (and why, oh why not cue whether a move is to stay on one side or alternate?).

Luckily, I was able to shout over Jen Carman's repeated use of "Mamba" (poisonous black snake) instead of "mambO" (the dance move)!
Hi, Kathryn!

That's funny how you ended up doing that one! I found a site that (supposedly) had it on DVD, but on backorder since June 2006! For kicks I put my e-mail address for when it comes in (and I won't hold my breath!).

You're right about Jen's "mamba-cha-cha," though I confess I'm fond of the whole shuffle step-push away-extension-"mamba" cha cha" sequence. It comes at a good time. I also like Allie's sequence with the squat, upright row, overhead thing. I've often wondered why they didn't create more workouts like that, ones that worked you hard but were fun?

Oh, well, that's why we have Cathe!

>Yes, I'm a pre-GT Firmie, too. This used to be one of my
>favorite firms because it was higher on cardio than many of
>their others. However, I rarely do it now that I've falled in
>love with Cathe.
>Actually, I hardly do any of my Firms anymore. I put one in
>the other night, did the warm-up, took it out, and put in a
>Cathe workout.

If you decide to sell it, let me know, lol! I've been looking for this one for a long time!!

> I confess I'm
>fond of the whole shuffle step-push away-extension-"mamba" cha
>cha" sequence. It comes at a good time.

I do like the sequence: the music, the moves that go with it, I just get skeered thinking some snake just appeared!;)

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