Anyone ever have B Strep?



I was wondering if anyone has/had B Strep while pregnant? I found out last week I have B Strep and I'm 38 weeks along now. Any risks involved for the baby when they put antibiotics in you while you go into labor? Anyone have a healthy baby while having a B Strep after giving birth? Thanks
Hi! I have no personal experience with GBS, but I have taken care of many GBS positive moms and their babies born. I don't know how much this will help, but I have been teaching Maternity nursing the past 4 weeks and seen several postive mothers and all delivered perfectly healthy babies. Pen G (Penicillin G) is the recommended antibiotic and considered safe for pregnancy.

Here are a couple of CDC links you may find helpful.

I hope this helps. Take care!

i tested positive for bstrep when pregnant and so did a friend of mine. The antibiotics are safe and streo is rarely passed to baby but they want to be cautious. I wouldn't worry about it , its really common. I had a healthy baby girl in sept.
I tested positive.

I was scheduled for a c-section the week before my due date because my son was breech. Well a week before my scheduled c-section. My water broke - my son wanted to pick his own birthday (ha-ha!). I was exactly 38 weeks. I had not even gotten my results back so I had no idea if I was positive or not when I got to the hospital. After the hospital contacted my doctor and found out that I was positive (about 2-3 hours after my water broke - I was gushing not leaking!!)it seemed as though they pumped the IV really fast into my arm. It really really burned! I'm curious to know if this is common, or if it was because they pumped it so fast??? They had to empty the bag in me before they could do my c-section. My son was born perfectly healthly.

Lots of women test positive, and they have healthy babies, so I wouldn't worry about it.

My water broke, but with a slow link. I was induced, I didn't feel a burn just a slight prick where they injected the potossin and the antiobitic.

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