Anyone ever broken a pinkie toe??


:( I think my left pinkie toe is broken! It is swollen, hurts to put allot of weight on it...and when I do there is a bit of sharp pain.

Does anyone here know anything about this kind of break. I wonder if anything can be done for it at all.:-( deb
I haven't broken a pinky toe, but I broke the 4th toe on my left foot last July. The only thing that can be done is called "buddy tape". You take some medical tape (from your local drug store) and tear it in half and tape your pinky toe to the one next to it. Due to it's size, that's pretty much the only way to splint it. Then, make sure you elevate it, ice it down several times a day and take motrin (anti-inflammatory).

Sorry to say, but if you truly broke it, it will take several weeks to heal. Mine still bothers me every once in a while.
I broke my little toe 12 years ago. The whole top of my foot and little toe turned bluish-purple and it hurt to put any weight on it. Amy's advice is right on. That is exactly what the doctor told me. Also, I was told to use crutches for a couple weeks to keep the weight off of it, but I only used them for about a week and then stopped because it was so inconvenient to move around with the crutches.
My DD broke her toe playing soccer. She had to do the buddy tape thing for about 6 weeks. Follow Amy's instructions.
I broke my little toe many years ago when I was a senior in high school and I was picking on my little sister and went to trip her and ended up kicking the leg of the sofa. I guess I got mine, huh? The doctor said it was broken and it would heal on its own and it did. I don't pick on my sister anymore. ;)
Thank you ladies for your advice! I had a feeling that someone here would know....WELL, I really think it's broken and get this...I broke it when I jammed it into a 15lb dumbell that I left on the floor:eek:. What a way to break a toe;(. I MUST get this thing healed by the time my new dvd's come or I'll be heart broken too!:( . deb
Hi Deb - I am SO sorry for your little toe!

I broke mine several years ago and it is a BIG pain. I broke a middle one some time before that and it only hurt if I touched it. However, that broken pinkie toe hurt all the time. It's amazing that a teeny little toe can cause so much pain!! Definitely do the buddy taping to reduce the movement and try to avoid putting a lot of weight on it.

Feel better!
Ouch! I did this a few years ago. I couldn't workout for about a month. I put ibuprofen gel on it a few times a day and wrapped that puffy medical tape around it and the 2 toes next to it for some support.

I hope it feels better soon!
I am pretty sure I broke mine a few years ago when my horse stepped on it. (he spooked and jumped sideways, I did too just not far enough!)
Don't know because I didn't go to the doctor as I was told there is nothing they can do for it. I took painkillers and hobbled around awhile. It healed up quite nicely.
Good luck.


Another rider here who's sacrificed both her pinky toes more than once to the horse gods.

I did the same - hobbled around for a few days and it fixed itself.

Susna L.G.
Thanks Mikie! Funny thing how a little toe causes me to favor the inside of my foot so that I am sore in my ankle and calf muscles. It's true that when one little thing is out of alignment other things suffer. I am buddy taping and icing and taking Motrin for it....sure hope it heals soon. I am such a wimp;( deb
Hi! What is an ibuprofen gel? Can I get it over the counter and does it work? I'm taping, icing and taking Motrin...such a pain. I am such a wimp.debx(
Wow Paula and Susan...I feel like a complete wimp now. I figure if your toes survived a horse stepping on it I can get over this. I guess it really all depends on how well I stay off of it and do the other things too. Damn. Last time I wait to put my weights away. debx(

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