Anyone else use the Tread Moves Videos?


Last year my husband and I saved up and bought a really good high end treadmill.

Last month I purchased the Tread Moves Video, Cardio, and I just love it. I also purchased the Sports training video and have just ordered on line the new Speed Video and latest Cardio video. Its really cranked up my endurance level and it makes working out on the treadmill less repetitive. Wondering if anyone else has tried them and if you work them into a Cathe rotation?
I have not tried Treadmoves, but I have a video called Runervals.
It is an interval training workout for the treadmill, and I really like it - it makes you feel like you are part of a group doing a track workout. There are several participants at a variety of fitness levels. It is nice for variety. I got it at the website, and I got the Beginner tape. It is quite challenging, because you target it to your own level. For example, you start running at your own easy pace, then pick it up 2.0mph faster for a minute, then back down for a minute.

I don't really do rotations, I tend to do more of cardio and weights on alternating days. Hope this helps.

I have the sport conditioning Treadmoves and the beginner Runervals also. The beginner Runervals is definitely harder. But, I like both for variety. I have a hard time using the weights during the Treadmoves video though so will sometimes just jog during that part.

As for working them into a rotation, you could sub them for a cardio...even an interval cardio.

But, the music on both stinks.

Its funny you mentioned the music because some of the music is the same as Cathe videos and when I am doing the treadmill it just reminds me of her. I always slow the treadmill down quite a bit to do the weights.

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