Anyone else to MMA Boxing yet?


I did this one today and really enjoyed it. The boxing was divided into 3 segments each consisting of punching drills followed by an upper body "blitz" & lower body "blitz." The punching combos were easy to learn & fun to do. I especially liked combination 3. This should be a nice workout for a day when you don't want such high intensity. I did it after completing strength training, so it felt like an appropriate level since I didn't want my cardio too difficult today. I didn't have a chance to do the core work yet so I still need to check that out. Anyway, I think it will be a nice addition to my collection & will definitely work its way into my next round of STS Strength rotation in January!
I did this one tonight and enjoyed it. Loved the punching drills! I like the speed and they are easy to learn and fun to do. No difficult choreography to learn.

There is a lot of jumping in this workout though, which I felt in my knees at the end of the workout. It's great to get the heart pumping, but I will have to modify some of it next time since I have intermittent knee pain/problems and my knees were stiff after this.

The ab work was just ok for me, not great, but like I said, I really enjoyed the punching drills a lot.
I am a huge boxing/kickboxing fan, and I really loved this workout. The punching segments reminded me of KPC. I used weighted gloves, and it was very doable with this workout, even on the upper body blasts. The lower body blast got my HR going, and it was nice to go back into a punching segment after that. My favorite lower body blast was the fast feet switch. The ab segment was good, and a little different from Cathe's other ab work. Overall I give it an A, and this will be in my rotation alot.

I will admit that my shoulders, and arms are sore right now from using those weighted gloves. ;)

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