Anyone else read romance novels


or smutt books as my husband calls them. I haven't read a good book in ages. I get half way though one, get bored and stop reading it. I don't know if I've read all the good ones or what.

Any other smutt readers out there LOL? Read anything good lately? Favorite Author? Books?

I wouldn't call it smut.....
but here are 2 authors I like (actually they are the same author, one is an alias)
jayne ann krentz (her romances are in the present time period)
amanda quick (set in the early 1800's mostly and in england)

her stories are stories, have plots, mostly are murder mysteries with romance involved. in the library they are in the romance section and the regular section. maybe i am protesting too much ;-)

also like Mary Balogh and her "slightly" series: also historical romance...

Great summer reading:)
I've been enjoying Philappa Gregory's books. Historical Romance, but well researched. I also have a fondness for Nora Roberts - all of her books are pretty much the same - boy meet girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl in the end. But they are different enough to make them interesting.
I absolutely love the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. They're historical fiction/time travel and the characters/plots are so well developed, you get lost in the books and don't want to ever put them down. They are on the long side, but trust me, once you start, you want them to go on forever! I've read them through 3 times and can't wait for the next book to come out.

Been reading the Lord of the Underworld trilogy by Gena Showalter, only good if you like a little fantasy/sci-fi in with your romance. I'm on book 2 and am digging it so far. I also like vampire romances a lot and also historical romance. If you can get me a historical setting vampire romance, I'm apt to finish in one sitting!!! I was never much for the Danelle Steele and Judith Krantz type stuff. I need more oomph!!

Great topic. I never read romance novels, and I'm beginning to think I'm missing out on stuff. Thanks for the suggestions!
I'm a Danielle Steele fan - course she's from the Bay area too.

I have learned a little about many countries as she seems to add little historical type things in her books.

Also like Nora Roberts & Fern Michaels (Sisterhood's are favs of mine).

Read some of the Jackie Collins a while back.

And a little off the romance side of things, love the Dean Koontz stuff - so weird and makes you truly remember what is going on 'cuz he jumps around so often.

I'm in HR so have to read all the legal mumbo jumbo and am not a huge history buff. My reading is my down time so I read to enjoy. Though I have thought about reading some of the classics that I haven't read for years.
When I want to find new titles, I go to and type in an author I already know and love and see what else pops up under the "you might also like" and the "people who bought this also bought" categories on the page. Also, the side bars feature lists compiled by other readers of their fave romance authors. You can pick up endless lists of new authors and their titles that way.

I am currently reading Lynsay Sands who is quick witted and Loretta Chase who is idiosyncratic and bloody hilarious! Don't forget Judith Ivory.... I also love Jennifer Cruisie, Katie McAlister and Susan Elizabeth Philips for contemporary romance.

Start with these names and I can supply loads more!

Great thread!

Clare~ I also love Jennifer Cruisie and Susan Elizabeth Philips, I am going to check out your other recommendations. Thanks:)


PS~ LOVE the Outlander series!!!!
How about -

Kristin Hannah
Jodi Picoult ( Nineteen Minutes is fantastic )
Karen Robards
Susan Wiggs
Kat Martin
Debbie MacComber ( sp?)
Jude Deveraux
Judith McNaught
Sandra Brown
Joan Johnston
Thanks for the recommendations. I wrote down some of the authors names that I haven't read and plan making a trip to my favorite used book store this weekend...books for $1.50 :)

I'm reading A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude far so good on this one.
I forgot Judith McNaught!!!!!!!! Love, love, love her. I re-read her books every couple of years.... Start with Whitney, my love. Correct title?

Not sure if these would be classified as romance or just fiction, although they both have romance in them.

Good Grief and Happiness Sold Sep. (both by Lolly Winston) Both are very, very good.
>Ditto on the Outlander books. Wow!

Double ditto! Not entirely romance though. She's a great storyteller!

Julie Garwood is also wonderful. I could name a bunch of others if you're looking for romantic/suspense.


We find beauty in the most incomprehensible places and the otherwise homely faces. It is our gift to see beyond the dirt, terror, sadness and defeat and find the true soul that lies within. We are Rescue.
If your looking for smut read Jackie Collins, she is my absolute fav writer. Lady Boss is favorite.

Also Candance Bunshell - 4 Blondes and Lipstick Jungle were both good.

Sandra Brown is good.

Also the book titled "Adored" is very good. Can't think of the author.

Right now I'm reading Firefly Lane by Kristen Hannah and that is good.


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