Anyone else plateau-ing?


Active Member
I work out consistently 6 days a week - 3 strength training, 3 cardio. My eating doesn't vary a whole lot. But I feel like I am going nowhere, as far as progress goes. I'm not lifting heavier (although I feel as if I get a good workout everytime), my weight is the same, my clothes fit the same. I feel as if I am doing all I can do, timewise. My cardio is usually 30-45 minutes each session, usually running/walking.

It is frustrating, because I am getting a lot of exercise. Why aren't I building more muscle, and gradually losing a little more fat as a result? Anyone have any ideas?

I keep thinking about honeybunch, and how she kept working at the weights, and going down in size as time went on. I want that to happen to me! Okay, I'm done. And would appreciate any ideas from you guys!

It sounds as if we're doing about the same things--and with the same results. I've only lost l5 pounds in a YEAR, and I still have 40-50 pounds to go (99 so far). My scale never moves (pitched it Sunday--too depressing), and my clothes never get any looser. In desperation, I even tried exercising 3 hours a day and eating only as many calories as I burned with exercise, but I still didn't lose weight. Could it be our age? I'm 41. But there are many others our age who aren't having this problem. I'm hypothyroid, too, and that makes it more difficult, I know, but other people deal with that, too. I've tried everything I can think of. I don't want to become obsessed with this, but I'm also not one to give up in defeat. I keep hoping someone will read this and say, "Ooh, this happened to me, too. I know what your problem is!" and come up with something new we should try.

Wishing you success,
Hi Rhonda,
Perhaps you aren't in your "working range" during your cardio? I'll tell you one thing that shreds fat is intervals.
Maybe try to lift heavier with less reps if more muscle is your goal.
If looking to streamline with lean muscle try higher reps with lower weight.
One method to overcome a plateau as far as lifting heavier weight is to perform negatives with a partner. Take a weight which is, say, your next step up from where you currently are, and while being spotted,perform the slow negative part of the lift. This works for me.
Also, throw your scale in the dumpster. You may actually GAIN weight when working with weights.
Trevor :)
GO 24!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-02 AT 08:09AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-02 AT 08:07 AM (Est)[/font]

From my own exeperience (and I have been where you are where I thought I was doing loads of exercise, but I still was not losing weight). I found out that I was NOT exercising at my body's maximum. The fitter you are the more you can do, it doesn't mean that you have to do for longer, but you can increase the intensity for that amount of time. When I started stepping with Reebok's The Step, The Power Workout, Energy Sprint and Keli Robert's The Ultimate Workout, I thought that was all there is to stepping and body got used to it and I saw no results, then I discovered Cathe step tapes and that took me to the next level, but still I was not really challenging myself, so I started running and I thought I was so darn good until I joined a running club and found out I was the slowest runner there.

What I am saying is the more you do, the fitter your body becomes and in order to keep getting the results you want you have to challenge your body. Cathe is the most advanced exerciser out there and with her videos you can push your body to it's maximum. Increase the weights, increase your step intensity with IMAX, MIC, Step Works, Circuit Max etc.

When you can do all the reps and sets in MIS, then it's time to increase the weights. Or do what I do: increase the weights and then work to increase the reps. If your muscles is no longer sore after a work out then you need to change your routine: I have started a PS rotation after having only done MIS, PH and BodyMax and I felt sore again last week.

The idea is to create muscle confusion with variety and intensity. Instead of stepping, try floor aerobics, go swimming, cycling, running. If you can run 4 miles in 30 mins, aim to run 4 miles in 25 mins, 20 mins and so on. Instead of heavy weights go for a light weighted workout for a couple of weeks: I find Karen Voight's The Great Weighted Workout a good break from Cathe.

I know this reply is a bit long, but I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

I think you all have some terrific ideas. I can't speak for Rhonda, but I'm inspired. It sounds silly, but this is something I've never really thought about. I'm a lifetime (until the last 3 years) sofa spud, and I thought just doing it would be enough. I never really thought about challenging myself to up the intensity--just the time I put in. Let's try it, Rhonda, shall we? Then we'll come back here and brag about how well it's working. :)

Hi, I dont have any miracle answer here as I am in the same boat as yourself. However, what I'm going to try next is a circuit program throwing in some jump roping or hi-jogs or other short, intense cardio boosts. There was a good sample circuit routine in one issue of Muscle & Fitness HERS as well as one I saw last weekend in a great book called Men's Home Fitness Bible (not sure if that's the exact title). For anyone who hasnt checked out that book, it's got alot of great home exercises with more advanced variations as well as variations using tubing, barbells, dumbells, fitness balls, etc. At the end are some sample routines.

Another thing you may try is increasing the weight on just one set for each body part, even if you find yourself struggling and unable to complete the set. You may surprise yourself!

Good Luck!

Hello Shari,

Why don't tell what you have been doing and eating and let's see how we can make it more challenging.

Oh, would you!?! I'm at work now, but as soon as my chickies go to music class, I'll do it.

Thanks so much,
Okay, here goes. This will be long. Sorry.

I follow the Weight Watchers points plan to the letter. I'm also a vegetarian and only rarely eat anything but vegetables after 5 or 6 at night. When I stopped losing weight about a year ago, I tried eating fewer points than I'm allowed and varying the number of points from day to day to "shake things up." I even tried riding my bike 30-40 miles a day to burn off the points I was eating. Still no weight loss.

I hate mentioning this because I'll come off like a whiner, and I'm absolutely determined not to let these things stand in my way, but you should also know I have thyroid problems, diabetes, minor heart problems, and high bp--although my numbers are all under control after a 99 lb. weight loss, and I take meds for the thyroid. I was up to nearly 300 lb. when I started losing weight and exercising about 3 years ago. I'm 5'll, but the 190 I weigh now (thought it was l75 until I visited the doctor recently) is still above my healthy weight range. You should also know that this is the third time I've lost 100 pounds or more, because I've heard that can slow down your metabolism. And here's a quirky thing. Surely this indicates a metabolic slowdown--my normal body temp is 96.4. But I'm sure that I can find some way to get past this. I have before. Maybe upping the intensity of my exercise is the thing.

As for exercise, I do approximatley an hour of weights with Cathe every other day (SH, PH, MI). Sometimes I add the Firm's Standing Legs for variety, and I've pre-ordered Cathe's pyramid videos. I also ride my bike 10-15 miles a day on odd days and half an hour or so on days when I lift with Cathe. I do a lot more in the summer, because I'm a school teacher, but this is what I'm doing now. I've made enormous gains in strength and muscularity, but I still have a long way to go. I'm finally able to lift the weights Cathe is lifting in her videos. I ride my bike at 10-12 mph on long rides--slightly higher for short rides.

Okay, there it is. Sorry it's so long. Thank you so much for caring and trying to help. You don't know what it means to me. I can't wait to hear suggestions.

Thanks so much,
Number one, I have to ask whether you think you are getting enough protein?? While this may not affect your weight loss, I am thinking it is affecting your muscle gain. WW plan requires so many calories right?? What is the exact number??

What you are saying sounds good so far. Do you do any other cardio than bike riding?? That might be part of your problem. Do you have IMAX?

My first and foremost suggestion would be to get your body fat tested. I am big on this. Even though I know you are thinking "I know I have fat on me!!", that is not what it is about. It is about having a way to measure how much fat you are losing and how much muscle you are gaining. Atleast it would be a motivational tool, much more effective than the scale.

As Yen mentioned, running is great if your body can take the impact. As far as upping the intensity level, I don't know about that. If you are doing any Cathe cardio, especially IMAX regularly, I would say you get enough intensity. I would go much more for longer duration, maybe on the weekends if possible??

Looking forward to seeing what the others think..

I am inspired also, and appreciate all of the feedback. I feel like I miss out on all of the conversation because I can only check in at night after the kiddos are in bed!

I want to get stronger, but leaner. But I think I do need to up my weights to shake things up a bit. I have to force myself to try to go to the next level.

As far as cardio, I do always get my heartrate up there, but I should mix things up there also! I need to work on IMAX for a while! I am a SLOW runner, but my Dad and I have always teased about the goal of 3 miles in 30 minutes (I know, it ain't fast, but neither are we!) - I need to go for it!

Thanks all! I'm going to shake things up a bit!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-02 AT 05:52AM (Est)[/font][p]Hello Shari,

I am honoured to be here. I am no expert, but I will do my best using my own experiences.

The first thing I find with vegetarians is that their diet lacks protein and if you are lifting heavy weights, you really need that to build up muscle fibre. So I would say if you can add in low fat dairy (milk and cheeses), eggs, fish (do you eat fish?) and soya protein. It's a good idea to have some cheese sticks before a weights workout, a banana before a cardio. And you need fats, protein and carbs after a workout. Don't be afraid to eat fats because some fats are good for you, like olive oil, fish oils, nut and vegetable oils. Add oil based dressing to salads and use it in your cooking.

A good breakfast is cereal and milk, porridge and milk, eggs (poached or scrambled) with grilled tomatoes and mushrooms or a slice of toast. Salads for lunch and rice or pasta with some stir fried vegetable and vegetable protein or low fat sauce for dinner.

As you are exercising, you can eat more. I have to say that I don't approved of calorie counting and points system because it means that people are disassociating themselves from their own bodies. People's calorific needs varies depending on height, activity level undertaken throughout the day so you have to eat accordingly. Instead of counting points, see if you can tell when you are full and stop eating then. If it seems you are eating more then that means your body needs more food. The problem I find with counting calories is that some days you are more active and use more energy, if you do not eat sufficiently to replenish yourself you will not be able to work out to your maximum, your body will take longer to recover too and you will not get muscle tone. Eat slowly so your body has time to digest.

Instead of counting calories, try to cut down out sugar and refined carbohydrates like white bread, cakes, biscuits, donuts etc. Have more whole meal pasta, rice, bread and potatoes (boiled not fried), fruits and vegetables and lean protein.

As for exercise, try doing 2 total weight training sessions per week and 2 cardios, like do MIS and PS and 2 bike sessions or 1 bike and step. E.g.

Mon: MIS
Tues: cardio
Weds: PS Legs & Abs,
Thurs: cardio
Fri: PS Chest, Shoulders & Abs and Bicep and Triceps
Sat: either cardio or rest
Sun: rest

Do this for 8 weeks and then change to S&H and Power Hour rotation. If you can do step then try IMAX, MIC and Circuit Max and Cathe's other step videos.

You should get results by way of more muscle definition if you use the weights that really challenge you and you should feel muscle exhaustion on the last set of reps to the point where you can barely lift the weights.

Sorry it's so long.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-02 AT 07:00AM (Est)[/font][p]I can't stress enough the importance of good wholesome and fresh foods. And fish is an excellent source of protein and low in fat and is high in Omega 3 oil, which women of your age need to keep your joints supple. If you eat fish, then aim for 3 protions a week. If you don't eat fish then buy the supplements.

Here's some information about calories. An average woman needs between 1800-2300 calories a day (depending on her height and how much exercise she does) just to MAINTAIN her weight. People who put on weight usually do it because they are exceeding this level. On a weight loss diet, calories is reduced until the weight loss is achieved. However, a diet often don't take into consideration how active the person is: it will usually say stick to so many points or calories a day every day. Now if you exercise as well and depending on the type of exercise you do, you will need more or less calories. For instance, a MIS workout will burn more calories than Rhythmic Step, a run will burn more calories than a walk. If you do not adjust the calorie intake enough to refuel after a workout, your exercise program would have been a waste because your would not have enough fuel to burn. And if you don't eat the right foods then your muscles will not get the right nutrients to grow.

Again, try not to weigh foods or count points and aim to eat the right foods cooked in a healthy way: lots of protein if you are weight lifting, wholemeal carborhydrates, fruits and vegetables.

Thank you all so, so much! I can't wait to start trying some of your ideas. Rhonda, I feel I butted right in on your post. I hope you'll forgive me my desperation. But it seems it may have worked out for the best for both of us. There are so many new ideas to try. I'll be waiting anxiously for a few weeks until I see you here again posting a note about your success.

Good luck to Rhonda and thanks to everyone for your ideas.

Oh, and Janice--

The only cardio I do is bike riding and the e-trainer occasionally, when it's too cold or wet to get out. I don't have IMAX. I'm so clumsy, I've been afraid of it. But I did buy MIC and I've been playing at it, trying to learn the steps. I'll get IMAX, too. As for running, I've tried, but my body just can't take it, yet. Still, I'm more determined than ever to get past this plateau. I WILL start doing MIC and IMAX regularly.

As for body fat, no I've never been fat tested. To be honest, the only real fat on me is concentrated between my ribs and my hip bones. I'm relatively slim everywhere else. I know that thyroid problems tend to cause fat deposits in this area, and I assume that's the problem since I've always been much smaller in the waist than in the hips, but the ratio and gone completely in the opposite direction these days. I have been interested in knowing how much I've gained in muscle, though. It's a lot, I think, because I can see it and feel it. I've never had muscles before (so I'm very vain about them and show them off to my family constantly) but I don't know how much "a lot" of muscle is--2 lbs, 5 lbs, 15 pounds. I see what you mean, though. I could be staying the same, weightwise, because I'm losing fat and gaining muscle. Do I understand what you mean correctly? Do you think I could have fat testing done at the university near me?

You are welcome. I should also add that you should judge yourself by how you feel rather than what you weigh. Make the diet changes and see if notice any visible difference in the way you look, hair, skin, etc. It's more important that you are healthy and have more energy. Remember, muscles do weigh more than fat, but is much denser so don't be surprised if you still weigh the same.

P.S. to Yen

Thanks for the great nutrition ideas. Yes, I do have trouble getting enough protein because I don't eat fish or chicken, either. I do have milk, eggs, nuts, beans, and cheese, though, and I take vitamins and supplements to help make up for the lack of certain foods. Do you think not eating the right foods could keep me from losing weight or will it just keep me from building more muscle? Although I'm a "beginner," I know that if I don't have enough muscle, my metabolism will be slower.
Hello Shari,

What's an e-trainer? Bike riding is fine for cardio, see if you can increase the intensity on your bike, like riding up hill and speed peddaling. I suggested the step as a way of varying the exercise so you work different parts of the body. If you can do all of MIC (like I can) then you are very fit.


Not eating the right foods means your body will not have the enough nutrients to stay healthy and your immune will be weaker and all your problems will be aggravated to some extent. It will also will prevent you from building muscles. Weight loss is about eating less food than your body needs. Sometimes, you will not lose weight very easily if you don't eat enough calories because your body will hold on to what it has (this is what I have read, it has never been my experience so I don't know if it is true).

One way to get more protein is to add almond flakes or some nuts to your cereal and a cheese salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing is delicious for the afternoon light lunch. I quite like mozerella cheese, but you can subsitute for low fat cheese.

I have to add that I love your determination and enthusiame. I hope you go a long way in achieving your goals.


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